I'm gonna Love you ❣️

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Hey hey hey author chan here i am going to state this now This takes place in the timeskip It's AtsuKita(hina)  wedding  shinsuke Shona's big brother is giving sho away to her husband okay lets begin

Warning cute and sweet overload

It's sho and atsumu big day and atsumu is waiting to see his beautiful wife to be walk down the isle when the time came and shinsuke lead his baby sister down to atsumu he looked at her in awe and love

Preist: i believe the couple have got something they would love to say to each other is that correct


Preist:then you may begin

Sho:🎶 My angel in disguise Stories in his eyes Love for every true heart that he sees Was it just a lucky day That he turned to look my way🎶


Sho:🎶He showed me all new things The shimmer of moonbeams I was blind but now he's helped me see I was lost but now i'm found His happiness surrounds And now I've found that my dreams can come true🎶

Osamu:my sister in law is the cutest

Kita:i agree that is my Imōto for you

Sho:🎶Cause I'm gonna love you For the rest of my life I'm holding you safe here In this heart of mine🎶

Atsumu:🎶I can't live without you Cause my soul would die And I'm tellin' the truth I'll spend the rest of my life loving🎶

Looking in the audience of all their friends you could see them all in teara of how cute this was

Atsumu:🎶It didn't start this way It happened just one day You smiled at me and I saw you differently Now I would tremble just to be A part of you as we Begin a life that's sure to never end🎶


Atsumu's thoughts💭 how did i get so lucky with you

Sho:🎶Cause I'm gonna love you For the rest of my life I'm holding you safe here In this heart of mine🎶

Atsumu:🎶I can't live without you Cause my soul would die And I'm tellin' the truth I'll spend the rest of my life loving you🎶

Atsuhina:🎶The rest of my life baby, loving you.🎶

Atsumu:i love you honey bee so much

Sho:love you too dear

The preist was also crying and said

Preist:that was fucking beautiful the power invested in me i pronounce this couple husband and wife may you two go with god kiss the bride now

They shared a passionate kiss Atsumu said

Atsumu:I love you Mrs Miya ♥️

Sho:haha doesn't that sound Nice love you too dear

They ran out the church and on to the party and hand a fun night before heading to the airport to go to their honeymoon


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