Copycat the shadows reflection

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In the vibrant world of basketball, there existed a team known as the Generation of Miracles. The aura of their sheer talent captivated the hearts of fans around the nation. Among these extraordinary players was Kuroko Tetsuya, the Phantom Sixth Member.

Kuroko possessed an incomparable playstyle, one that was as elusive as a shadow, confounding opponents at every turn. He was the true tickstar, making crucial passes, stealing the ball, and leading his team to victory with unparalleled finesse. His impeccable sense of timing brought forth an era of triumph for the team.

However, the tranquility of Kuroko's reign was soon disrupted when a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows. Chihiro Mayuzumi, a gifted but enigmatic basketball player, seemed to have a secret agenda. Not content with merely copying Kuroko's looks, Mayuzumi desired to replicate his playstyle as well.

Mayuzumi's actions perplexed Kuroko, who couldn't fathom why someone would imitate his every move. The once seamless unity of the Generation of Miracles began to crumble, overshadowed by Mayuzumi's actions. Doubt seeped into the hearts of Kuroko's teammates, as they struggled to differentiate between the original and the copy.

So Kuroko got an Idea and he started singing

Kuroko:🎶Don't be cautious, don't be kind You committed, I'm your crime Push my button anytime You got your finger on the trigger But your trigger finger's mine🎶1

Mayuzumi:🎶Silver dollar, golden flame Dirty water, poison rain Perfect murder, take your aim I don't belong to anyone But everybody knows my name🎶

Momoi: Tetsu?

Both smiled similarly to each other in  response to Momoi

Kuroko:🎶By the way, you've been uninvited
'Cause all you say, are all the same things I did🎶

Kise: strange this guy is  a perfect copy of Kurokochi in looks in play style right down to technique

Aomine: True only one thing letting this perfect copy of Tetsu  down

Momoi: Whats thst Dai chan

Aomine: he doesn't have Tetsu's personality now that is one thing no ond can replicate

Mayuzumi:🎶Copycat trying to cop my manner
Watch your back when you can't watch mine🎶

Akashi:now that is something Tetsuya would never say

Kuroko:🎶Copycat trying to cop my glamour Why so sad bunny? Can't have mine?🎶

Mayuzumi:🎶Call me calloused, call me cold🎶

Kuroko:🎶You're italic, I'm in bold🎶

Mayuzumi:🎶Call me cocky,🎶

Kuroko:🎶watch your tone🎶🙂

Mayuzumi:🎶You better love me🎶

Kuroko: 🎶oh please you're just a clone By the way, you've been uninvited 'Cause all you say are all the same things I did🎶

Mayuzumi:🎶Copycat tryna cop my manner Watch your back when you can't watch mine🎶

Kuroko:🎶Copycat tryna cop my glamor Why so sad, bunny? Can't have mine (Mine)🎶

Midorima: i Don't know who to trust

As weeks passed Kuroko noticed Mayuzumi's influence grew, the harmony within the team's dynamic began to fade away. Doubts turned into animosity, friendships fractured, and whispers of betrayal filled the air. It was becoming clear to Kuroko he could now see the rift forming, and he knew that his unique abilities were not only being replicated but weaponized against his teammates.

Kuroko wanted know why why would Chihiro do this why the sudden betryal he was Determined to salvage his team that same determination was  burning in his eyes, decided that he had to confront Mayuzumi and uncover the truth behind his actions. As the game reached its climax, Kuroko sprinted towards Mayuzumi, determined to confront him face to face.

"Mayuzumi, why are you doing this? We were teammates, friends even! What drove you to betray us?" Kuroko demanded, his voice filled with both anger and hurt.

Mayuzumi turned to face Kuroko, his expression cold and emotionless. "You were always the center of attention, Kuroko. Everyone praised your unique playstyle, your impeccable timing. I wanted that too," he replied, his voice laced with bitterness.

Kuroko's eyes widened in realization. "So, you betrayed us out of jealousy? You wanted to be the one standing in the spotlight?"

Mayuzumi nodded, his gaze never wavering. "I wanted to prove that I could surpass you, that I could be just as revered as you are. But the more I tried to copy your style, the more I lost sight of myself. And then, I realized that I could never truly be you, no matter how hard I tried. It was a mistake from the start."

Kuroko felt a mix of sympathy and disappointment wash over him. He understood how it felt to be overshadowed, to feel insignificant. But he also knew the importance of staying true to oneself, of embracing individuality rather than imitating others.

"You don't have to be me, Mayuzumi. You have your own strengths, your own potential," Kuroko said softly. "I would rather have a true friend than a copycat. Let go of this jealousy, and let's find a way to rebuild our team and mend the broken bonds."

Mayuzumi's eyes flickered with uncertainty. He glanced at the rest of the team, who were watching the confrontation with mixed emotions. Slowly, he nodded. "I... I will try," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

And so, the Generation of Miracles, battered but not broken, moved forward together. With Kuroko's unwavering support, for one another despite the obstacles they faced they just hope one day Mayuzumi will understand the gravity of the situation he put them in and maybe they can forgive him for now ties with Mayuzumi have been cut 

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