A poem "Beneath the Veil of Fake Smiles: A Love Found and Lost

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Once there was a boy, Hinata Shoyo his name,
Bright and bubbly, his spirit aflame,
But life had a way of knocking him down,
Leaving him with a smile turned into a frown.

He used to soar like a bird, reaching the sky,
But something happened, broke his wings, made him cry,
Now he hides behind a mask, pretending it's alright,
But deep within, his heart shatters every night.

Fake smile on his face, concealing the pain,
Holding back the tears, hiding the strain,
His emotions - once vibrant, now hollow and cold,
A facade he wears, a story left untold.

Once filled with passion, now empty and still,
Hinata roams through life, a void he cannot fill,
The fire in his eyes, now extinguished, gone away,
Leaving only ashes, a grey sky, day after day.

Each fake laugh, every forced grin,
An act to convince, a battle deep within,
He longs for the joy he once held in his soul,
But now he's just a puppet, with no control.

No longer does he feel the warmth of the sun,
Lost in a world where happiness cannot be won,
The shadows of his past haunt his every move,
A reminder of a life he was forced to lose.

The vibrant boy he once was, forever laid to rest,
In a world devoid of colors, where happiness seems suppressed,
Hinata Shoyo, trapped in a cage of pretense,
Longing for freedom, his heartache immense.

But even in the darkness, hope can still ignite,
A flicker in his eyes, a beacon shining bright,
And maybe one day, his smile will be real,
Breaking through the fake, his heart to heal.

For now, he walks this lonely path, accepting the guise,
But deep inside, he knows there's more behind those eyes,
Hinata Shoyo, the boy who fakes a smile,
Yearning to break free, to reconcile.
In the depths of his fake smile, he stumbled upon another lost soul,
Suna Rintaro, a stranger with a heart that held secrets untold,
Their paths converged like two stars colliding in the night,
Their connection, a glimpse of hope, a glimmer of light.

With a stoic exterior and a guarded soul,
Suna saw through the facade, he sensed something untold,
A beautiful tragedy in their shared empty gaze,
Two broken souls craving solace in this bewildering maze.

Hinata couldn't resist the pull of Suna's enigmatic allure,
A magnetic force, his heart no longer could endure,
Their encounters became an escape from their mundane reality,
A forbidden solace, the only moments of true clarity.

Suna too carried his own burden, concealing his hidden scars,
Together they formed an unspoken bond, guiding each other to the stars,
In the silence between their shared stolen glances,
They found solace in a language known only to romanced hearts.

But the universe was a cruel orchestrator of fate,
As they danced on the edge of a love they couldn't consummate,
For Suna belonged to another, a love lost to the depths of time,
Leaving the two souls suffocating, gasping for a love they couldn't claim as mine.

Yet they continued, wandering through life's tragic play,
Finding solace in stolen moments, like thieves in the gray,
Emotions ran deep beneath their carefully crafted guise,
But their love was an illusion, a bittersweet compromise.

Hinata, the once-bright boy, felt the weight of their yearning,
Craving a love that was reciprocated, instead left burning,
His fake smile wavered, its cracks starting to show,
As he realized that his heart's desires were never meant to grow.

Suna, too, felt the sting of a love unattainable,
A longing that ate at him, rendering him vulnerable,
Their love, like petals from a dying flower, fell anew,
Leaving them standing on opposite sides, their paths askew.

And so, this story of a sad love shall forever be,
A tale of Hinata Shoyo and Suna Rintaro, lost at sea,
Emotions worn like masks, concealing hearts that once burned,
Now locked away, shattered dreams forever left unearned.

But in the depths of their desolation, a flame still flickered,
A reminder of the love they shared, a connection yet to wither,
As life moved on, their paths continued to diverge,
They carried the bittersweet memories, their hearts submerged.

And in the quiet of stolen moments, their souls forever entwined,
They found solace in the love they couldn't truly find,
For Hinata Shoyo and Suna Rintaro, their tale will endure,
A testament to a tragic love, an eternity obscure.
As time moved forward, the pain began to dull,
Hinata and Suna found solace in memories, no longer a fool,
They learned to appreciate the moments they once shared,
Finding strength in themselves, a love that was never declared.

Hinata, once a bright and bubbly young soul,
Rediscovered his passions, letting go of the role,
He smiled genuinely, the fake facade now erased,
Embracing life's challenges, finding beauty in each phase.

Suna, too, embarked on a journey of self-discovery,
Breaking free from the shackles of old miseries,
His heart, though scarred, found peace in solitude,
Opening up to love, embracing a life that once eluded.

Their paths continued on, separate yet intertwined,
But the love they shared, forever engraved in their mind,
For sometimes, in life, love isn't meant to be,
But the lessons learned redefine how they're set free.

And so, their story, aching and painful in its own right,
Became a testament to strength, to resilience, to fight,
A tale of two souls, who, despite their deepest flaws,
Embraced their brokenness, blazing their own unique cause.

The title of their story, "Beneath Fake Smiles, True Hearts Unveiled",
Symbolizing the journey of two souls, love's trials diligently sailed,
A reminder that true happiness isn't always what it seems,
But hidden beneath the fake smiles, lie dreams, hopes, and redeem.

As they walked separate paths, their hearts still intertwined,
A beacon of strength, a testament to love's lasting kind,
Hinata and Suna found solace in their own separate ways,
Knowing their souls once danced together, on those bittersweet days.

In the end, their story wasn't defined by romantic bliss,
But rather the resilience found in a love they couldn't kiss,
For sometimes, love whispers softly in the wind,
And though it can't be grasped, its essence forever pinned.

And so, they carried on, their hearts forever tied,
Through the passage of time, love's legacy never died,
Hinata Shoyo and Suna Rintaro, destined to be,
The heroes of their own story, forever wild and free.

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