Captains x Hinata PT3

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Hey hey hey Author chan here So this is gonna be new for me as I have no clue if this is gonna work so bear with me on whatever chaos this turns out to be and enjoy

The captains can see the sho was being used by her so-called boyfriends they were just using her for a body petty s*x they never truly loved her where is the captains do so Daishou was not only gonna call the boys are on their bullshit but show sho that she can't be Naive and trusting she can't keep say but they love me When in reality they just love her body
In what ever dead ass GC this is one where almost everyone has left

Yams is online

Yams:Has anyone seen sho

Kags:No she is ghosting me as well

Yams:Wtf did you do this time

Kags:What do you mean me

Yam:Well its either you or Tsuki and Tsuki has been with his brother Tenma all day

Tsuki:Ha i got an Alibi bitch

Daishou:🎶 Any dolt with half a brain Can see that humankind has gone insane To the point where I don't know If I'll upset the status quo If I throw poison in the water main🎶

Sho:Suguru WDYM?

Futakuchi:See what you are doing daishou cleaver come on sunshine you can't be that Nieve




Daishou:🎶 Listen close to everybody's heart And hear that breaking sound Hopes and dreams are shattering apart And crashing to the ground🎶

Kags:What's with negitive Nacey over there

Tsuki:Beats us

Daishou:🎶I cannot believe my eyes How the world's filled with filth and lies But it's plain to see Evil, inside of me Is on the rise🎶

Sho:Listen suguru 🎶Look around, we're living with the lost and found Just when you feel you've almost drowned You find yourself on solid ground🎶

Bokuto:Baby owl you are still being Nieve

Sho:Kota please 🎶 And you believe there's good in everybody's heart Keep it safe and sound With hope, you can do your part To turn a life around🎶

Futakuchi:You're too good for this world princess

Yams:So confused

Sho:🎶 I cannot believe my eyes Is the world finally growing wise? 'Cause it seems to me Some kind of harmony Is on the rise🎶

Kuroo:Kitten you are to soft even when you are being used you want to see the good in the world

Kags:Being used?!

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