kenma and shoyo fight

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hey hey hey before we start this i haven’t watched this show but i have heard it is good there will be no reactions the only ships in this si kurohina and akaken lets go

a video was sent to the bfs in there GC

Kuroo:huh what is this

Akaashi:lets watch and find out

they clicked the video and saw sho and kenma Fight!?

Sho:I'm starting to glitch like really really glitch

Kuroo:glitch kitten what do you mean?

Akaashi:lets keep watching

Sho:I'm fading away


Sho:Kenma i'm losing my power and i Don't know when I'm gonna be gone for good


Kuroo:gone for good!?

Kenma:omg your fading away shona I I Don’t know what to say hey before you lose your power can you just help me with just one thing

Kuroo:kenma what the fuck!?

Akaashi:kenma wth she is dying and you asking favors

Kenma:could you use your ghost powers to thwart a little video release Oikawa has a bad tape on me I want it erased could you just scramble it

kuroo's thoughts 💭ghost powers is my kitten already dead impossible everyone can see her

Sho:I- are you kidding me i came here to apologize to you and you came here to use me I am literally about to disappear in to a freaking lava lamp

Kuroo:kitten omg i may never see you again

Sho:because i don't know what my UFB (unfinished business) is you're still sitting here caring what everyone thinks about you

Kuroo:so its true my gf is dead

Sho:i have done literally everything to make sure that you could be cool and then you could make your mark and you can get a bf  but you have done nothing you have done nothing for me you care more about this stupid video  or some dumb comment that i wrote then you care about your best friend

Kenma: ........

Kuroo:how would you like to tell my bf it was you that got me killed

Kenma: ......



Sho:over that stupid video you little gang ambushed me and beat me to death have fun explaining that one to Tetsu

Kenma: .....

sho walked off crying

akaashi was  to stunned to speak kuroo was upset to say anything as well both kenma and sho came online

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akaashi was  to stunned to speak kuroo was upset to say anything as well both kenma and sho came online



Kuroo:hey kitten

Akaashi:kenma why

Kenma: huh?

Akaashi:kenma don't play dumb now i know sho is dead your friends killed her

Kenma: .....

Akaashi:is that what that video is sho's death

Kenma: .....

Kuroo:why did you do that your my best friend you killed my gf

Kenma:i didn’t my friends did

Akaashi;exactly your friends you were there you watched you are an accessory to her murder

Kenma: ....

Kenma:i never told them or asked them to do it they just did it and oikawa filmed it and it and said if it got out we would all go down then i figured since she was a ghost she could make it all go away no one would know how was i to know atsumu made a copy to send to you guys

kuroo went offline clearly angry sho said shd would go go him akaashi told him to give him space while that was going on kuroo tried to find was for sbo not to disappear he even suggested she be on his computer think like iron man with jarvis or flash with gidian that was the sams concept for sho she agreed and it surprisingly worked


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