possessive in more ways than one

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hey hey hey author chan here this is a short story i thought of at 4 am in the morning so sorry if it's cringe this takes place after they left high school they are in college sho is already with MSBY and OIkawa has a job lets start

Oikawa is know for being possessive he also had a rule he would not let anyone borrow his clothes that included his favourite over sized sweater so how will he react to his boyfriend the one person his possessive over wearing the one thing he is possessive over Oikawa just go back from a shitty day at work and was looking for his beloved bf

Shoyo on the other hand had a rest day now he could have stayed at the msby penthouse but he chose to go home truth be told bokuto was there with akaashi and sakusa was there with atsumu and a few other player were there with their bfs/gfs he did want to hear them going at it like rabbits So he packed what he

When he got home he was hoping to find kawa but he was not there so he figured he was at work so he would wait
Time skip hours later shoyo took a shower and changed his clothes not caring what it was he picked up kawa favourite over size sweater and some pj shorts he went to their bedroom to wait and also watch Netflix and half way through the show he must have fell asleep needed and went home

Time skip back to now with kawa back home

He looked everywhere but the bedroom once he decided to look in the bedroom there he saw his chibi chan all curled up in a tight ball kawa stared in awe at the sight of how cute he looked then did a double take when he saw he was wearing his favourite sweater he then thought i have a rule no one borrows my clothes that includes my favourite sweater but seeing my chibi in it i can change it to no one but my chibi can borrow my clothes after staring at sho like a creep for a bit he got in to bed
The next day

He looked everywhere but the bedroom once he decided to look in the bedroom there he saw his chibi chan all curled up in a tight ball kawa stared in awe at the sight of how cute he looked then did a double take when he saw he was wearing his favou...

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What oikawa was met by

Sho:Morning Love

Oikawa:morning my adorable chibi-chan

Sho:hungry I'll make breakfast

Oikawa:yeah no you won't i will by the way keep my sweater on today when you go to practice it's going to be cold

Sho:shit i forgot i borrowed your favourite sweater I'm sorry i know the rule I'll change

Oikawa:no you won't the rule has changed no one besides you is allowed to borrow my clothes that includes my favorite sweater

Sho:Wha- -/////-

Sho trying to process if he heard that correctly

Oikawa:oh you most Definitely heard me correctly i am Possessive over two things my belongs and you so only you can touch what is mine

Sho.exe has stopped working please try again later

Kawa laughed at how flustered sho had become after hearing him Admit hes possessive that's the one thing he would never do admit to something like that but here he was admitted to sho's face that he was possessive especially with him kawa spent the rest of the day with him even went to watch him practice I can admit he got a little pissed wh he saw Atsumu Flirting but he watched his chibi-chan owe the court and he couldn't be prouder


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