Just breathe

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Hey hey hey author chan here before we get started I just want to let you know of a few things  I AM Changing some of the lyrics for plot Purposes also all the characters go to school at Tokyo again plot Purposes also i have a second account i posted about it already it's called Luna Songbird with a pic of semi okay formalities out the way start the story


As shoyo was going to the airport to return to Japan the friends he made in brazil came to see him off

His Brazilian friends:🎶Sigue andando el camino por toda su vida Respira...🎶

Shoyo  smiles as he walked to his boarding gate As he did so he said

Shoyo: 🗣 Breathe

He could still hear his friends only faintly now as they said

His Brazilian friends:🎶Y si pierdes mis huellas que dios te bendiga Respira.🎶

Which translates to And if you lose my tracks, God bless you. Breathe.

After A long flight Shoyo has returned back from Brazil he is walking the streets he use to know they seem familiar but at the same time different he knows these are the streets he grew up in just at the top of the mountain these are the same streets he childhood friends live on yet why does it feel different Sho started to walk while seeing people that he knows he waves sheepishly

Shoyo: 🎶This is my street I smile at the faces I've known all my life They regard me with pride And everyone's sweet They say, "You're going places!" So how can I say that while I was away I had so much to hide!🎶

Oikawa who just came back himself ran upto him and hugged him then said

Oikawa: welcome home sunshine

Sho smiled and carried on walking Oikawa's words echoed and lingered in his head

Shoyo:🎶 Hey guys, it's me! The biggest disappointment you know.” The kid couldn't hack it he's back and he's walkin' real slow Welcome home (underline welcome home)  Just breathe...🎶

Oikawa: 🎶Sigue andando el camino por toda su vida Respira...🎶

Kita: 🎶Y si pierdes mis huellas que dios te bendiga Respira...🎶

I then saw Kenma he ran and hugged me  and he asked me

Kenma: why you back so soon you had what another year

Shoyo: i know ken i time out before going back to do my last exams

(Lie but what can i say to my best friend i dropped out because what i was searched and And my room mate was racist and i just couldn't hack the comments i was getting) kenma then interrupted my thoughts

Kenma: hey i heard you're now famous in brazil Ninja sho

Shoyo: haha yeah 😅

Kenma: well there's kuroo see you later at our old hang out spot

Shoyo: sure will

Kuroo: hey chibi chan welcome home

Shoyo: hey Kuroo san good to be home

I start walking again i passed a kid playing music on a boombox

Shoyo: 🎶 As the radio plays old forgotten boleros I think of the days when this city was mine I remember the praise🎶

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