Girl with ruby eyes

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Siblings Akaashi and Iwaizumi and Seijuro older brother

Ship atsuhina

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Meet Shoanna Akaashi

sister to twins Keiji and Hajime and older brother Seijuro

18 years old

She has one unique feature to her brothers her eyes are like rubies and people would literally kill for them and i mean literally

She gets bulled because her eyes are diffrent they say she has eyes of a psychopath they always look like they have bloodlust this was middle school it got so bad she ended up wearing contacts scared of being bullied again
Or worse

What will happen when one day at training camp she forgets to wear her contacts till a boy tells her and she runs back in the dorm to get them
Not knowing the boy saw her ruby eyes and fell for them and her

What will she do when that said boy tells her to stop wearing contacts and keep her eye natual because he finds them cute just as cute as her 

Shoanna Akaashi couldn't believe her luck. After years of hiding her unique ruby-colored eyes, she had finally found someone who appreciated them. The boy, named Atsumu Miya, had seen her without her contacts and instead of being repulsed, he found her eyes enchanting.

Atsumu had always been drawn to things that were different and out of the ordinary. Shoanna's eyes captivated him, reminding him of the fiery passion that burned within her. He admired her strength and resilience, the way she had endured the bullying and still managed to shine brightly.

As they spent more time together during the training camp, Shoanna's walls slowly started to come down. Atsumu's constant support and genuine affection allowed her to embrace her true self. She no longer felt the need to hide behind fake lenses; instead, she let her natural eyes shine brightly.

Shoanna began to see herself in a new light, understanding that her eyes were not a curse but a beautiful part of who she was. Atsumu's admiration for her uniqueness helped her see that her differences were to be celebrated, not hidden away.

Their relationship grew deeper and stronger with each passing day. Atsumu was always by Shoanna's side, encouraging her to embrace her talents and passion for volleyball. Their shared love for the sport only strengthened their bond, and they became an unstoppable duo both on and off the court.

As they navigated high school together, Shoanna and Atsumu faced various challenges and obstacles. However, with their unwavering support for each other, they overcame every hurdle that came their way. They became each other's safe haven, a place where they could be themselves without fear of judgment.

Shoanna's brothers, Keiji, Hajime, and Seijuro, noticed the positive change in their sister. They saw her blossoming into a confident and radiant young woman, thanks to the love and acceptance she found in Atsumu. They were grateful that she had found someone who appreciated her for who she truly was.

Atsumu's love for Shoanna went beyond just her physical appearance. He cherished her fiery spirit, her determination, and her capacity for compassion. To him, she was the embodiment of strength and beauty, inside and out.

One day, Atsumu took Shoanna to a peaceful spot by the beach. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the waves. As they stood there, Atsumu held Shoanna's hand and looked deeply into her ruby eyes.

"Sho, every day I fall more in love with you," he confessed, his voice filled with sincerity. "Your eyes are not just beautiful, they represent your strength, your resilience, and your unwavering spirit. I want to be by your side, supporting you, and loving you always. Will you be mine?"

Tears welled up in Shoanna's eyes as she nodded, the warmth of Atsumu's love enveloping her. Finally, she had found someone who appreciated her for who she truly was, someone who saw the beauty in her differences.

From that day forward, Shoanna and Atsumu faced life's challenges hand in hand, their love shining brightly like rubies. And as they continued their journey together, they inspired those around them to embrace their own unique qualities, celebrating the beauty in their differences just as they had done.

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