Alicia the Tormented Braixen

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It was a pleasant Thursday evening in Aeterna, the capital of Arcadius. Many pokemon could still be seen roaming through the streets, minding their own business. Most of them were busy gathering fire woods as winter was coming. Even though the last leaf had not fallen, the temperature was already very cold for most pokemon. However, cold weather was not a problem for pokemon who resisted ice type like Alicia, a Braixen. Sitting in the comfort of his bedroom, Alicia was doing what she loved most, writing. She usually wrote novels but now she was writing her diary.

It was a boring day as usual. Nothing interesting happened. It was a same old daily routine of going to the university, doing some errands, and studying at the library. For some reasons I cannot continue my novel due to writer's block. I cannot think of any ideas beside romantic ones! Screw this! I don't want to write romantic novels because romance is highly overrated, but I cannot deny that I am completely distracted by loneliness. Oh, why am I so weak? Why can't I resist my feelings for that handsome....

Suddenly, her boisterous younger brother entered her bedroom, startling Alicia, who was struggling with her feelings.

"Hi Alicia! Mom said that dinner is ready! The whole family is waiting for you in the dining room! Oh by the way, what are you writing? Must be about boys am I right?! I know it is hard for girls at your age to not have a boyfriend yet and..."

"Kyle! How many times do I have to tell you to knock the door first before entering my room?! And one more thing: my diary is none of your concern! I don't care about boys! Teenage love is for weak people who can not overcome their own desire!" said the Braixen angrily to the Fennekin.

"Whatever big sis, haha!" said the Fennekin. He knew that the Braixen was lying.

Alicia exited her room in a bad mood, thanks to her annoying little brother. As she went down the stairs, she could already smell the food which was prepared by her mother. It was magikarp fillet. Alicia then proceeded to enter the dining room and sit at the dining table beside his little brother.

"So, Alicia dear, how was school today?" asked her mother

"It was fine mom. Today I learned about the anatomy of grass type Pokemon. It was not that hard," said Alicia

"Of course it is not hard for you. Superior intellect is in your blood, no, it is in our blood. After all, you are the granddaughter of professor Magnus. I expect nothing less of you" said Alicia's father.

"Anatomy of grass type Pokemon? Must be fun! I can't wait to be old enough to study at the university of Aeterna!" said Kyle.

"Patience my boy. I am sure that you will be as smart as your sister when you grow up. Then, when you finally graduate, you will bring honour to the family by becoming a brilliant doctor and scholar." Said Alicia's father.

"Dad, are you forcing Kyle to become a scholar just like you force me to become one?" asked Alicia.

"Why not? Intellect has been the pride of our family for generations." Replied Alicia's father.

"That is the problem dad, you are so drunk with pride that you don't allow your children to pursue their own passion!" Said Alicia.

"Listen Alicia... It is always better to follow your reason instead of your passion. That is our family's principle. If you become a writer instead of a scholar, your astronomical intellect will become wasted because you are not using your intelligence to its full potential." Said Alicia's father.

Even though Alicia disagreed, her father's argument was pretty solid and logical, she could not counter it.

"Do not worry dad, Alicia is just upset because she spends so much time studying that she does not have enough time for relationship. Isn't that right Alicia?....." said Kyle. He was too smart for his age.

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