The Siege of Winterhold

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While the knights of Arcadius, dusk tribe members, and fairy resistant movement members were fighting to defend Winterhold, Alicia, Ryo, and Julius were taking refuge inside the dungeon of the Blizzard Palace, as instructed by jarl Articuno. This dungeon is an equivalent to a modern-day bunker. Alicia never thought that she would end up being involved in a life-risking death battle, but she was more concerned about Akira's life. She was genuinely afraid that Akira would be killed, even though she knew that Akira was an extremely skilled and experienced fighter. She tried to calm down, but her anxiety got the best of her. She walked around restlessly around the dungeon to ease her anxiety, while Julius lay motionless on the floor crying, traumatized by the death of his parents without Natalie to comfort him. As for Ryo, he was feeling annoyed because he could not join his guildmates.

"This sucks. I have never felt so useless in my whole life. I want to join the fight!" said Ryo.

"Well, you can't, kid. Jarl Articuno has ordered me to keep you all safe in this dungeon. Nobody gets out until the battle is over!" Said an Alolan sandslash as he stood in front of the dungeon door.

"I may be a kid but I'm one of the chosen knights of Arcadius. Please let me out!" said Ryo.

"No. I'm sorry. I can't disobey jarl Articuno's order, kid!" said the Sandslash.

Ryo groaned. But he did not run out of ideas. He then approached the anxious Braixen and whispered to her ear.

"Pssst. Alicia, I need your help..." whispered Ryo.

"What do you need, Ryo?" asked the Braixen.

"Could you perhaps pull a mind trick on the alolan sandslash so he can get us out of here?" said Ryo.

"Of course I can...but wouldn't it be wiser for us to stay here?" said Alicia.

"Listen Alicia, there is a high probability that all of the knight's guild member will die since the opposing forces outnumber us five to one. It kind of stinks when your friends are dead while you are the only one left. After all, it is better to be killed in the battlefield rather than to be captured alive and tortured slowly to death. Furthermore, I can at least contribute by sharing my knowledge about dragons." Said Ryo.

The braixen paused for a bit to think things through. She eventually agreed with the young riolu.

"Alright...Actually I have always wanted to pull a mind trick on somebody..." said Alicia with a mischievous grin. The braixen approached the alolan sandslash with a smile on her face.

"Hold it right there, young lady!" said the alolan sandslash.

Then, her eyes started to glow. The braixen raised her hand, amplifying her psychic power.

"Hey...wha...what are you doing...oh....uuuh...I wonder what's for dinner (Insert king Harkinian voice)...." Said the alolan sandslash.

"Awww...are you hungry? Yes you are....YES YOU ARE...." Said Alicia.

"Yes... I am hungry...Omelette and CHEESE...Time... to get... to the dinner table...." Said the sandslash.

"I am so hungry... I need to get to the dining hall...but the door is locked..." said Alicia.

"I'm so hungry...uuuh...need to get to the dining hall...but the door is locked...." Said the sandslash, repeating what Alicia said.

"The key is in my pocket...I take it and throw it on the ground!" said Alicia.

The sandsalsh threw the dungeon keys to the ground. The riolu laughed his ass off seeing the whole scene.

"Do you think I'm stupid?! I'm not a part of the system...Fuck jarl Articuno!" said the alolan sandslash.

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