A Brief History of the Pokemon World

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Akira the Lucario, Ryo the Riolu, and other members of the knight's guild lined up to receive instruction from guild master Caesar the Gallade. Caesar was a war veteran and an ex General who was appointed by Lord Mewtwo, the king of Arcadius, to be the head of the knight's guild, which goal was to train talented pokemon to be Arcadius' elite soldiers. Daisuke, the father of Akira and Ryo, enrolled his sons to the knight's guild with hopes that his sons would also become a skilful dragon slayer like him. Akira, Daisuke's first son, was already an accomplished knight at the age of fifteen. He had done many S rank missions and nobody had ever beaten him in a fight. This was the result of Akira's intense training by his father since he was just a small Riolu. Despite his expertise, Akira remained modest and not arrogant. Therefore, many Pokemon admired and respected him. Akira's little brother, Ryo the Riolu, was a little bit strange however. Unlike the typical fighting type pokemon, Ryo despised fighting, which was rather ironic for a fighting type pokemon. Furthermore, he preferred to resolve problems by means of intellect rather than brute force. Many fighting type pokemon, including his father, thought that Ryo was some sort of an anomaly as Ryo behaved more like a psychic type pokemon than a fighting type pokemon. From the beginning, it was apparent that Ryo resented being enrolled to the knight's guild. Nevertheless, he performed well in the knight's guild thanks to his cleverness.

"Right. Today, we are going to have sparring sessions." Announced the guild master.

"Great! can't wait to beat up someone to a pulp. I have been looking forward to this" Said Brendan the Blaziken.

"This time I'm going to try something a little different. You all are going to have double battles!" said the Gallade.

"But sir, there are 17 of us." Said Akira.

"I know Akira. That is why you are not participating today. Your fighting skill is already too good. Being teamed up with you would be an unfair advantage." Said guild master Caesar.

"Aha! My time to shine! Now that Akira is out of the way, I'm now the best fighter." Said Renard the Jolteon.

"Just shut your mouth and prove yourself" said Brendan the Blaziken.

"You talk as much as I do you big chicken." Said Renard.

"Silence!" said guild master Caesar.

"As you may have expected, I'm going to do the pairing. Ryo, you are paired with Renard. You two are going to fight Zaheer and William in the first session." Said guild master Caesar. Zaheer was a Sandslash while William was a Dewott.

"Sir, why are you pairing me with that weakling?" asked Renard.

"To teach you how to protect someone weaker in a battle. The same goes for you Zaheer." Said guild master Caesar.

Before the sparring session began, Renard whispered to Ryo.

"So here is the plan. I'm going to do all the fighting while you stay out of the way. Just stand there looking small and weak. Your feebleness will only make me look cooler and stronger. Oh, how I love having an opportunity to show off." Said Renard to Ryo.

"Fine. Just do all the fighting I won't care." said Ryo. As Renard was talking, Ryo was already thinking about a strategy to defeat Zaheer and William.

Okay, so we have a Sandslash and a Dewott in the opposing team. Zaheer will probably engage Renard due to type advantage. This means William will try to attack me as Renard is occupied with Zaheer. Here is the problem. Zaheer, being a ground type, is completely immune to Renard's attacks while my physical strength is not enough to inflict a significant damage on Zaheer. There is no way we can take Zaheer down. Hmmm, what to do... what to do...Wait, I know! This strategy might work...

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