The Rescue of Julius' Parents

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By the time Renard and Natalie were back at the inn, everybody was already asleep.

"Where have you two been? The dinner is over. Luckily, there are some leftovers for you on the table..." said the innkeeper.

Renard and Natalie then ate the remaining leftovers. As Natalie was eating, Renard couldn't help but staring at the glaceon.

"Could you stop staring at me?" asked Natalie.

"Oh, sorry..." said the jolteon.

A few minutes later, the jolteon got caught staring at the glaceon again.

"Will you cut it out?! Your staring makes me uncomfortable!" said the glaceon.

"But your eyes are so beautiful...and your face is as pretty and delicate as an my girlfriend!" said Renard.

Natalie blushed. Nevertheless, she didn't love the jolteon back.

"I told you, boyfriend and girlfriend relationship does not work for me, because I want marriage." Said Natalie.

"Why is marriage so important to you?" asked Renard.

"Because marriage is a symbol of commitment and sincere love. The only thing that differentiates love form lust is that true love includes a sense of responsibility. Responsibility means that you are willing to care for me instead of just objectifying me. Marriage teaches that responsibility." Said Natalie.

"But I truly love you even if we are not married!" said Renard desperately.

"You are not in love; you are just being lustful..." said the glaceon.

"I'm not being lustful!" said the jolteon.

As the two were arguing, Brendan woke up because he was disturbed by the noise.

"Will you two pipe down? I'm trying to sleep!" said Brendan.

"We are sorry!" said Natalie and Renard.

"You two better sleep now because Akira said we will depart very early in the morning tomorrow!" said Brendan.

"Right..." said Renard.

And so, the journey to Avangard continued. Finally, they reached the outermost territory of Avangard. They arrived in a small village called Darostavy village. As they arrived in the village, they were already very hungry and tired. So, they decided to eat at a restaurant which was located in the middle of the village. It was a huge restaurant and a fancy one.

"Akira...Are you sure that we are going to eat in this restaurant? It looks expensive..." asked Wiiliam.

"We have no choice...It is the only restaurant in the village..." said Akira.

"Don't worry. I'm rich. I can pay for everyone" said Natalie casually.

"Ah yes... this is the biggest advantage of having an aristocrat in the team..." said Brendan.

Akira then knocked the door of the restaurant.

"Ah! Welcome! How may I serve you?" asked the owner of the restaurant, who was a Delibird. He had snorunts as servants.

"What is the cheapest food on the menu?" asked William.

"The cheapest food we have is creamy mushroom soup with bread. It costs only 30 gold coins" said the Delibird.

"The price sounds reasonable. Do you have tea?" asked the glaceon.

"Oh, we have green tea..." said the Delibird.

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