Kitab Al-Jadal

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It was a very cold Friday. The first snowflake had fallen and winter had officially begun. The marketplace was full of pokemon purchasing firewood. Amongst the pokemon was Alicia the Braixen. While other pokemon wore warm and thick clothes, red hooded cloak was sufficient for Alicia due to her being a fire type. Knowing that the class was about to start, she rushed to the university while eating a sandwich on the go.

Today's lecture was about a detailed explanation about one of the seven stages of alchemical process, which was calcination. Alicia found the subject to be quite easy. Therefore, she felt bored because she had to listen to a 2 hour-lecture which was not intellectually challenging enough for her. As usual, after the class finished, she headed to the library to borrow some books. Ryo had told her that he wanted to read more books about engineering, so Alicia searched for an interesting book and she found one after a while. Without her knowing, professor Magnus was standing behind her.

"Good day, Alicia..." said Professor Magnus

"Oh grandpa, I didn't see you there... Is there something the matter?" asked Alicia.

"I are hiding something..." said Professor Magnus.

"Wh-what? No...Of course not grandpa...Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the..."

"You are not taking a single step!" said Professor Magnus. Alicia knew that she was in trouble.

"Now why would a medicine and alchemy student borrow a book about engineering?" asked Professor Magnus.

" is because...."

"You don't have to answer because I know the answer already. I've been reading your mind..." said Professor Magnus grimly. It was at this moment that Alicia knew...she screwed up.

"So, a riolu named Ryo has been stealing books all this time form the library until you decided to help him escape the guards, then you borrow books from the library for him to read so he can read the book without stealing anymore. Nevertheless, the riolu has not returned the books that he 'borrowed without permission'. You are doing this because you are in love with the big brother of the riolu, and that Lucario that you love is the son of the legendary dragon slayer Daisuke Yamazaki. Is that true, Alicia?" asked Professor Magnus.

"Yes...grandpa..." said Alicia.

"Sigh....What should I do with both of you?..." said Professor Magnus.

"You are not going to punish us, are you grandpa?" asked the braixen.

"Well.. there are still some stolen books that the riolu has not returned. But don't worry, I won't punish both of you...Even though stealing books is not a minor crime according to the law" Said Professor Magnus.

"However, you two must meet me in my office tomorrow afternoon!" commanded Professor Magnus.

"Yes grandpa..." said Alicia. She had no choice but to obey.

On the next day, Ryo the Riolu came to Alicia's house to read books about engineering and have fun with Alicia's alchemy set as usual, not knowing about the conversation that Alicia had with professor Magnus the day before.

"Hi Alicia! Have you borrowed some books again for me to read? Oh, I'm so excited!" chirped the riolu.

"Not today, unfortunately...Come with me to the university...Professor Magnus wants to talk with us..." said Alicia. The riolu then realized that he was in big trouble. Ryo knew that Professor Magnus had found out that he used to steal books from the library before he got acquainted with Alicia. Ryo began to feel anxious. He did not know what kind of punishment awaited him. As the two walked to the university, Ryo's anxiety intensified as they two got closer and closer. Eventually, they arrived at Professor Magnus' office.

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