Renard's Struggle

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The weekend was already over. Ryo woke up at around eight o'clock and he was annoyed by the fact that it was Monday already.

Oh man, I hate Mondays... Ryo thought to himself.

Ryo left his room and entered the living room. As usual, Akira was sitting at a table, eating a loaf of bread and some oran berries for breakfast.

"Good morning, Ryo." Said Akira

"Good morning big bro. Where is dad?" said Ryo.

"He left early this morning to do an escort mission. He received an order to accompany a noble named Nicolas van Deventer and his wife in their trip to Calen." Said Akira.

"Calen? The grass type kingdom? That is very far..." said Ryo.

"Yeah, Dad said that he will be back in two weeks." Said Akira.

"Akira, I wonder...wouldn't it be way faster and safer if nobles were to travel by riding a big flying type pokemon like a pidgeot or a corviknight? Why aren't they doing that?" asked Ryo.

"Because there are no big birds left in Arcadius." Said Akira.

"Why? Because they were killed in the war?" asked Ryo.

"Correct. Do you know why is it mandatory for big birds to serve in the military?" asked Akira back.

"Let me guess. Because the greatest advantage that dragons have in battle is flight. Therefore, in order to fight the dragons evenly, the soldiers of Arcadius need to ride flying type pokemon in battle. That is why flying type pokemon who are big enough to carry a soldier on their backs must serve in the military and all of them were killed. Am I right?" asked the Riolu.

"Precisely..." said Akira.

"By the way, since dad is not around to force us to go to church, does this mean that we don't have to go to church?" asked Ryo.

"Before he left, dad told me to take you to church every Sunday, so you are not skipping church. Not on my watch." Said Akira.

"Big brother, why do you have to be so obedient?" asked Ryo.

"Because obedience is a virtue. Now finish your breakfast or we will be late." Said Akira.

Ryo quickly finished his breakfast and the two of them went to the knight's guild. Ryo was glad that there was no sparring session today. As the two arrived at the knight's guild, guild master Gallade instructed the apprentices to gather in the main hall because there was a new member joining the knight's guild today. He was a treecko.

"Good morning, everyone. Today we have a new member joining the knight's guild. His name is David. David, please introduce yourself."

The shy Treecko came to the front and started introducing himself.

"Um..hi. My name is David. I'm 10 years old...My parents are both immigrants from Calen. I decided to join the knight's guild to bring honour to my family. My grandfather fought in war and was killed by dragons. I really admired my grandfather...I wished to die a noble death just like him...." Said the Treecko.

"My weapon of choice are bows and arrows..." the Treecko continued.

"Interesting. Tell us more about yourself." Said Guild master Gallade.

"My hobby is playing flute and my favourite colour is orange. Oh, and I really like pecha berries" said David.

"Nice. Alright, you all can go now. Ryo, why don't you show David around the guild?" said the Gallade.

"Yes sir." Said Ryo.

"Come with me, David." Said Ryo friendlily as he showed David around the guild.

"So, this is the battle arena where we have sparring session. The guild master's room is in the second floor, while the eating hall is located next to the main hall. The basement is where we usually have meetings with the intelligence division. And one more thing..." said the Riolu as he was pointing at a huge board.

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