From Enemies to Friends

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"How far is the distance from here to Chervalsk?" asked Natalie to the Delibird.

"The distance is quite far. Chervalsk is located between Zverev and Winterhold. From here, it would take about two weeks to reach Chervalsk." Said the Delibird.

"How about Zverev?" asked Natalie to the Delibird.

"I'd say about five to six days" said the Delibird.

"Wait, isn't Zverev the capital of Avangard?" asked Brendan.

"You are right. Zverev is the capital of Avangard, where lord Alexandrovich resides." Said the Delibird.

"One more question. Is fort Amol located in Zverev?" asked Akira.

"Yup. That high security fort is located north of Avangard, which is technically still part of Zverev's territory." Said the Delibird.

"Guys, guild master Caesar told me that the icicle plate is being kept in fort Amol." Said Akira to the knight's guild members.

"So, what is the plan?" said William.

"We are going to Zverev to retrieve the icicle plate first, then we go to Chervalsk to rescue Julius' parents..." said Akira.

"Sounds good. Did you hear that, Julius? We'll rescue your parents in no time!" said Natalie to the little eevee. Julius smiled upon hearing that.

"Thank you..." said Julius.

And thus, the retrievers of the icicle plate left Darostavy village and continued their journey, now with a young eevee. It was a good thing that there were no blizzards. Having an underaged eevee in the team was already a burden enough. If it wasn't for Natalie, they would have left the eevee. As they walked, the little eevee was panting and Natalie noticed this.

"What is wrong Julius? Are you tired?" asked the Glaceon.

"I'm exhausted..." said the little five-year-old eevee.

"Well, if that is the case...Jordie!" said Natalie.

"Yes, my lady?" said the Absol.

"Please carry the eevee on your back." Said the Glaceon.

"It will be done, my lady" said the Absol.

"You know what? Forget about Julius and his parents! Leave him or we'll never make it!" said Renard.

"Say that again, and I wont talk to you for the rest of my life!" said the glaceon.

"No! Please don't do that..."Said the jolteon.

"Then shut your mouth! God, you are so annoying..." said the glaceon.

"Hey, it is getting dark already and we are in the middle of nowhere. Should we set up camp?" asked William.

"Yeah...I think we should. Brendan, go gather some firewood. As for Renard and Ryo, go find some food! The rest of the team will set up the tents" commanded Akira.

"Yes sir!" said the three pokemon.

Renard took out the fishing rod, and went to the nearest river, accompanied by Ryo. There, Renard began fishing. Thirty minutes later, he had not yet caught any fish.

"You know, there is a much faster way to catch the fish..." said Ryo.

"How?" asked Renard.

"Just dip your hand into the water and use your power to electrocute the fish..." said Ryo.

"Oh, why didn't I think of that?" said Renard.

"You're welcome..." said Ryo.

Renard did what Ryo had told him and ta-da! A dozen of dead magikarps and basculins were floating on the surface of the water. And then, Ryo picked up some fish that floated near the river's edge.

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