Size Matters Not

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"Wake up every one! Time to go to Zverev!" Said Akira.

The rest of the team then woke up. It was 9 am in the morning and the sun shined brightly.

"Great! No blizzard and the weather is nice! Should we go sightseeing in the city?" asked Brendan.

Akira didn't say anything and gave Brendan a mean look.

"I was just joking Akira...don't give me that look..." said Brendan.

"Zverev is just 5 miles away from here. Just a little more, then we get our hands on the icicle plate." Said Akira.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go to Zverev!" said William.

The team finally set off. As they travelled from Moberec to Zverev, they were in awe of the scenery. The road between Zverev and Moberec had a very magnificent view. The view was so beautiful, that they forgot about their mission to retrieve the icicle plate for a moment. Eventually, they reached the gate of Zverev. It was heavily guarded by Prinplups. The leader of the guards, which was an Empoleon, then talked to Akira.

"Welcome, knights of Arcadius! We have been expecting you! Lord Alexandrovich is waiting to meet you in the palace of winter to give you the icicle plate!" said the Empoleon.

Strange, I thought minister Darkrai told me that Lord Alexandrovich doesn't know about the plate at all...Thought Akira.

The retrievers of the icicle plate went straight to the palace of winter. There, Lord Alexandrovich was sitting on his throne, ready to greet the knights of Arcadius.

"Greetings and Salutations, o brave knights of Arcadius!" said Lord Alexandrovich.

"We are here to get the icicle plate, your highness..." said Akira.

"Yes, yes. We already know about that. You know, one of my ministers hid the icicle plate from me out of fear that I might return it to the dragons so they can hide the plate again elsewhere, but I assure you; Avangard stands with the oppressed. We ice type pokemon also hate the dragons as much as others do..." said Lord Alexandrovich.

"If that is the case, why didn't Avangard join the war against the dragons?" asked Ryo.

"Because Avangard is already dealing with a lot of internal problems...Also, we ice type pokemon love peace and don't believe in violence. Instead, we believe in diplomacy, because ice type is a peaceful type!" said Lord Alexandrovich.

"Well, that is a good alibi, your highness, but I know deep down that you either don't care about the suffering of the fairies, or are a cold-hearted coward!" said Ryo.

"Hush Ryo!" said Alicia.

"Forgive me for his rudeness your highness...That won't happen again..." said Akira.

"Ah! Don't sweat it! He is just a child anyway who knows nothing! And I am a very forgiving king!" said Lord Alexandrovich gleefully. He was a master of acting.

"Now, I shall give you the icicle plate. Minister Yekaterina! Can you bring the icicle plate here?" said the Beartic.

"Yes, my lord..." said the Froslass. She went to the inner sanctum to get the icicle plate and gave it to Lord Alexandrovich.

"What I have in my hands is the icicle plate! Beautiful isn't it?" said Lord Alexandrovich.

"Yes, your highness... Now can we please have it?" said Akira.

"Sure...It's all yours!" said Lord Alexandrovich.

"Wait! Are you sure that this icicle plate that you are giving us is not fake?!" said Ryo.

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