Chapter 2

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As I re-enter the main house, I'm quickly grabbed by my sister.

"Ah- good Goddess what is it?" I try to catch my breath, not seeing her coming. I know if she's got me all of a sudden she wants me for something ridiculous, per usual.

"Come, sit, sit, sit. I have a presentation for you!"

"A presentation of what exactly...?" I ask very skeptical of what she has in store as she pulls me to the island stools in the kitchen. She drags over this whole crazy production. She has a projector, a sheet and a remote to direct what I can only assume is a slide show.

"Now hear me out. You asked my to help you find a mate in exchange for helping with my wedding, right?"

"Yes, I recall that." I say, slowly starting to regret my decision.

"Well," she starts, turning on the projector, "I've come up with a few ideas to rectify this little dilemma. You have been trying to find a mate for almost 3 years, correct?" She pulls up the first slide, looking to it. There's a picture of me next to some bullet points. Listing what I can only assume are my attributes. Completely single(ouch), most eligible bachelorette in the region, 5'6", artist, designer, great fighter, great leader....I suppose I'll take the compliments.

"That would be correct..." I nod along.

"So we need to know what you're looking for in a partner. I've made some points based on what I know about you and what you like." She clicks on the next slide. I suppose I can agree with her points.

"I think your type is athletic, take no prisoners, take no bullshit but kindhearted deep down, fair, can hold their own, height doesn't matter to you though I believe you prefer them taller, this person has to be someone you can spar with and I know your love language is physical touch so you gotta have someone who's a cuddler. I think you prefer someone with longer hair too. I feel like you're a into brown to black haired people. I think you just like the tall dark and perfect look. I think your sexuality is very fluid but you could be a straight up lesbian like me- I don't know you didn't tell me about that but I get the vibe you're not straight." She rambles on for a good minute about my type. When she brings up my sexuality, my cheeks turn a bit red. I never exactly came out to my family since we quite literally have two fathers. I didn't really think it was a necessity.

"Well I suppose you'd be right about that last bit. I've never felt straight."

"Good to know. We're probably targeting someone female then. That narrows down my searches a tiny bit. Now for their inner wolf...I see you with another alpha. I don't know I think you with an omega just feels wrong. You need someone that matches your personality, your strengths. You need someone with maybe even a little more fire than you. You don't need someone your complete opposite to balance you out. You need someone who's almost exactly like you." She clicks to the next slide.

"I think I would agree with that." I begin to relax a little in my chair. She's sort of convincing me this could be a good idea.

"Now with all your attributes sorted and we know what you're looking for, we should plan a party! Now I have a couple ideas...." My mind immediately drifts away and I begin to tune her out once she starts on parties. I hate parties. I look at my wristwatch to check the time and I spring up, realizing what time it is.

"Shit! I gotta go meet dad! I'm late!" I quickly gather myself and start rushing out the door.

"What about the party?!" Amy called after me.

"Just do whatever you want!" I yell back. Saying that, I'm definitely going to regret it later but I don't have time to think about that now. I'm supposed to be meeting my dad for training, it's something we've always bonded over since I was a kid. He saw the alpha potential in me very early and wanted to help me hone it, use it to my advantage. Being an alpha is never easy. Sure we're stronger, taller, have more authority, but it comes with its weaknesses. My dad knows better than most how tough it is at a young age. Our wolves are difficult to tame but strong bonds when we're young makes it easier in the future. As a female of course, heats are still a thing, even as an Alpha. They may not be as debilitating physically but for our wolves, it makes them feel lonelier as time goes on. Alpha females that don't find partners when they're younger most of the time become lone wolves with no desire to find a mate anymore. A lot of the time the alpha men hope to have omega partners for easier breeding, most of the time non-hetero alpha females like to have omega females as well. It's rare to see a pairing of two alpha women....which is why I'm still here with the shit end of the stick. Finding my other half is like finding a needle in 100 needle stacks. I don't want to end up a lone wolf. I don't want to be miserable, dealing with heats until I'm 80, forever alone without a mate to share my life with. I want to be happy like my grandparents, my aunt, my siblings, like my parents. I have such perfect examples of what love should look like. I don't want that desire to turn into resentment. After a bit of running, I finally meet my dad. He doesn't look a day over 20 still. He has all his same piercings and once Amy and I were at least 10, he got tattoos. Full sleeves on each arm that spreader over his pectorals. He doesn't look like a dad with four kids over 18 in the slightest.

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