Chapter 4

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A week and a half has passed and my sister has fully prepared the pack grounds for a party. The floodgates have opened and as promised, packs from all over the world have come to be mated to the Queen. She spread the word faster than wildfire. It's a little strange to have packs all over the world want me. It's too much to bring whole packs but packs bring their best unmated warriors and leadership for me. I only get the best of the best and when Amy said Alphas only...she really meant Alphas only. Their scents are practically wafting up into my bedroom as I sit in front of my vanity. The aroma by itself sends a shiver down my spine whenever I breathe too deep, especially so close to my next heat. My sister did my hair and makeup. She gave my frost curls some volume and shine, natural looking makeup and lashes...I look like an enhanced version of altered version yet it was perfectly me. I'm almost shocked I don't hate it. I argued with Amy over the fact that I had to wear a dress a million times over so we came to a compromise...a romper that looks like a short dress. It works I suppose. It's form fitting and a chocolate hue so I kinda like it. I look hot. Once I'm fully dressed and ready I join the commotion that fills our house and the grounds outside. I greet familiar faces as I move through the crowds and shake the hands of the new faces they introduce me too. No sparks yet but all the alpha smells are driving me nuts. The energy is suffocating. My sister even made a point to make sure the crowd consists of mostly females. I swear a tear starts running down my leg from all the women with their eyes all over me as I continue to walk through. The sun hasn't set yet and every other person has a red solo cup in their hand. I was avid about not having glass and opted for those instead. Groups of warriors are swapping stories, pack leaders are discussing pack events happening in the coming months, the music is so loud I can feel it in my chest.

"So sis, did I do a good job?" Amy asks as she catches up to me.

"Amy...I'm in did you convince so many alpha women to come?" I ask, barely able to keep my focus on my own thoughts when a new woman catches my eye every second.

"You're the queen. Most of them just want to beat you in a sparring match...possibly pin you down in bed too." My cheeks become rosy at the thought of any one of these women being able to pin me down.

"O-oh...oh my..." I shake my head. "I need to focus...I have to do my opening speech, right." The gentle breeze cools my thoughts down for a moment as I target the pavilion where a microphone stand is waiting for me. I step up, wearing the shortest heels possible. I grab hold of it looking around for a moment, noticing some eyes catching me center stage.
"Testing, testing, one two three..." the microphone is loud and clear, there's a high pitched ring from the speakers for a moment to which everyone winces in reaction to. Now I definitely have everyone's attention. A bit embarrassed, I clear my throat preparing to speak. "Thank you everyone and welcome to my party. I'd like to thank my lovely twin sister for making all this possible. I'm even wearing a dress, I don't think anyone saw that coming," the crowd erupts in laughter. I'm glad they all know this isn't what I really look like on a day to day basis.

If they saw you consistently as hyper femme I think they might have an aneurysm.

"Alright alright, let me just hope that somewhere in this crowd, my mate is here waiting for me. thank you again everyone." I bow my head slightly before heading off of the pavilion and back to join my sister.

"Short and sweet, well done." Amy pats my shoulder before I'm approached by a few people who wish to talk to me and get to know me better. This goes on for a couple of hours and eventually the sun had gone down and the giant bonfire has been lit. All the excitement has died down yet I still haven't had that certain feeling of finding my one true mate. What a let down this has been. All this hard work Amy put in for me, all the effort I put into getting ready for this and still nothing. Has the goddess forsaken me for something I've done in a past life? What have I done to deserve this suffering?! Suddenly, in the midst of feeling sorry for myself as I sit by the fire, my back facing the deep woods of our borders, I can feel those eyes again on my back...this time the burn of them is something I cannot ignore. This is real, I admit to myself finally. There's no denying it now, I wasn't just seeing things before. I slowly turn my head and body around to look back a those eyes staring into me. That bright gold is clear as day now. Our gazes connected directly to one another. I stand up slowly, not taking my eyes off of them as if I'm afraid they'll disappear again. Amy notices my movement and gently touches my arm.

Traces of Elijah: Legacy of the QueenWhere stories live. Discover now