Just A Day

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The noise from the morning bell woke me up. I get up and make my bed. I walk to my electronic closet to pick out a outfit. I pick up the keypad and start picking out an outfit. Once I have my outfit, I go to my bathroom to take a shower. My shower is also electronic. I take off my clothes. I step in and the shower water comes on.

"Hotter." I say.
The shower immediately gets hotter. My soap and loofa come out after I say that. I pick them up and start washing. After about 15 minutes, I put my soap and loofa up. I step out and the towel dispenser comes out. I grab the towel and wrap it around me. I walk to the closet to get dressed. I put on a purple tank top with a black leather jacket around it. I also put on black skinny jeans. After I'm down with that, I head towards my vanity. I put on some black eye shadow to really bring out all the black in the outfit. I put on some mascara and foundation. To top it all off, I add purple lipstick to enhance the purple. I go over to my jewelry case to pick out some accessories. I add a white watch. I head downstairs to breakfast. My mom and dad aren't there, like usual. I grab the keypad for the kitchen and look at my breakfast choices. I finally decide to eat a piece of toast with orange juice. I type in my order and a couple seconds later my food comes up. I eat my breakfast peacefully. Once I'm done, the plate goes away and I walk back to my room. I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I come out of the bathroom and go back over to the vanity to fix my hair. I decide to put my hair in waves today. Once I'm done, I put on some black sandals and I head back downstairs where my younger sister and brother are eating breakfast.

"Bye guys. Have a good day at school." I say. They say bye back. Once I'm at the door, my signature black purse pops up along with my car keys. I go out to see my convertible in the driveway. I hop in and start the car. I back out of the driveway and head to school. Once I get to school, I park my car, lock the doors, and walk in. I go straight to my locker. I put the combination in and it pops open. I grab my textbooks for first period. I close my locker and I'm not surprised to see my best friend, Caroline, waiting right there.

"Hey girl! How was your weekend?" She asks all cheery like.

"It was fine. My mom and dad went to a scientist convention in Italy. I just studied." I answer.

"That's all you ever do! Why did you even study? We don't have a test coming up." She says exasperated. The bell rings and we start walking towards our first period class.

"You'll see." I answer her.
We get to class and sit down in our seats. I sit in the first row, while Caroline sits in the third row. Mr. AppleBottom comes in and does roll call. When he is done he says he has a surprise for us.

"Can anybody guess what the surprise is?" He asks. My hand flies up.

"Yes Eternity," He says.

"The surprise, Mr. AppleBottom, it that behind your back you have pop quiz sheets." I answer smoothly.

"That's correct." He says irritated.
The whole class except for me groans. The teacher hands out the test. When the teacher says start, I'm the only one who starts. I look up from my test to see the whole class looking at me.

"Mr. AppleBottom?" I raise my hand.

"Yes Eternity." he says.

"Can you teach the class the lesson that this pop quiz is over? I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who read the entire book for this year and it seems unfair."
I state calmly. He thinks about it for a moment until he finally nods his head.

"This pop quiz is going to be over the periodic table of elements." He talks about the periodic table for at least an hour. When he is finally done he tells us our homework assignment.

"Your homework for tonight is to study the periodic table of elements until you know every little detail about it." He says. The bell rings and the class walks out. When I walk out the whole class thanks me. I start walking to my locker. Caroline rushes up to me.

"How did you know that we were gonna have a pop quiz?" I stop at my locker and put in my combination.

"I always know Caroline." I say. I put in my first period textbooks and grab my second and third period textbooks. I close my locker and say goodbye to Caroline. We have different second and third period classes. Nothing interesting happens in those two periods. Then comes fourth and fifth period. Nothing interesting happens then either. Finally lunch comes. I put my textbooks up and head to the lunch room. Caroline is already in line saving me a spot. I head over there and get in line.

"What's for lunch?" I ask.

" I think it's Caesar salad." Caroline says.

"Finally, they haven't had Caesar salad in forever." I say. I get my lunch and go sit at my normal lunch table. After me and Caroline sit down, I start eating but Caroline doesn't.

"What's wrong Caroline? Why aren't you eating?" I asked concerned.

"Eternity, I want your honest answer for this question. Am I fat?" She asks sadly.

"Caroline do not make me slap you because I will. You are not fat and you never have been. Now eat." I demand.

"Thanks Eternity, that's just what I needed." She says. After that she eats until it's it time for our next period. Classes are boring for the rest of the day. After school is out, I head towards my locker to get my purse and car keys. I close my locker and put in the combination. Caroline comes up to me with her stuff.

"Eternity can you help me study for the pop quiz?" She asks.

"Yeah Caroline. Come on you can come to my place." We walk out of the school's double doors and walk to my car. I unlock the car and we hop in. I start the car and off we go. When we pull up to the mansion, I put the car in the driveway and we quickly get out. Almost immediately after we got out, the car goes underground into my garage. Each person in the house gets their own garage. We walk in and my older sister isn't home yet. We go up to my room to study. We put on some music and start studying on my couch.
Picture of Eternity's room to the side or up. How did you guys like this first chapter?

*A True Princess

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