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The next morning I wake up with nothing in my stomach. I need some food. I get up and make my bed. I go over to the closet and pick up my keypad. I pick my outfit and then walk to the bathroom. I strip out of my clothes and get in the shower. I wash quickly then I get out. I wrap myself in my white towel. I leave the bathroom and go towards the closet. I put on a lime green shirt and salmon colored pants. I walk out and go over to the vanity. I get the curling iron and turn it on. Once the curling iron is hot enough, I start curling my hair. When I am done I start on my makeup. I apply black eyeshadow and lime green eyeliner. I put on foundation and blush. To top it all of, I add lime green lipstick. I go back to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I leave the bathroom and look at the clock. It says six thirty am, I have time to paint my nails. I get nail remover and some cotton balls. Once I'm done with that, I add the first layer of nail polish. Then, I add a clear layer. Once I'm done with the second layer, I put a white flower on both of my big toes. I add another clear layer then I let my nails dry. After about fifteen minutes of sitting my nails finally dry. I look back at the clock and it says seven-ten. I over to my jewelry trunk and pick out a pair of salmon earring and a salmon necklace. I close the trunk and put on my lime green converse. I learn my phone and put it in one of my front pockets. I leave Bella in the room. I walk out of the room and close the door. I walk down my hallway and go out to the main hallway. I walk down the stairs and go to the Royal dining room. I open the door and see Crystal at the table. I walk over to the table and sit down in a chair. Crystal stops eating her oatmeal and looks at me.

"Good morning Eternity. How was your slumber?" She asks.

"It was amazing thanks for asking." I reply. She finishes her oatmeal and stand up.

"Well I would stay and chat but I have a meeting to attend to." She turns and walk out of the room. I see a chef come out. The chef walks up to me and asks me what I want. Once he has my order, he goes back to the kitchen. I take my phone out and unlock it. I open Instagram up and look at the trending hashtags. The highest one is #FindEternity. I click on the hashtag and see trillions of post. Some of the post has flyers with my face on it. I turn off my phone and put it in my pocket because I can't take all of that. I see the chef come out with my order. I quickly eat my blueberry pancakes and then I go to the throne room to ask Mother a question. When I open up the door, mom is sitting on her throne. I go up to her.

"Hi Eternity. Anything you need?" She asks.

"Hi mom and yes there is something I need. Is there a library here?" I ask.

"Of course there is. Walk out of the throne room and walk straight ahead. You will find a big red door if you walk straight." She replies.

"Thank you mother." I walk out of the throne room and walk straight ahead. I soon across the big red door. I push the door open but it won't budge. I start to use a little bit of my super strength. Still nothing. I imagine the doors opening. Finally they come open. I walk inside and the first thing that I notice when I walk in is that it's not cold in here. The second thing I notice are thousands, maybe millions, of rows of book. I don't know where to start! I walk to the first row of books on the left side. I grab the first three books that I see. I look around and see a table. I walk over to the table and I start reading my first book. My first book is about a young man who goes on a series of adventures while learning about his true self. The second book is about types of wings. There are big ones, small ones, colorful ones, dark one, anything you can think of they have it. My last book is about a girl who goes on a cruise. The cruise crashes and the girl finds herself on a deserted island. But it's not deserted. I finish those three books then I put them back where they were. I walk out of the library and walk straight. While I'm walking I think about Caroline. She has been pretty sleepy lately. I go up to her room and walk in. Once I get down her hallway I open up the door. Caroline is on the floor sleeping. I go over to Caroline and shake her. Not even a whine. I look around and I see her phone. I grab the phone and was out of the room. I turn around and Caroline is still sleeping on the floor. Now that's when I start to get worried. Caroline always wakes up when you take her phone. I pick Caroline up bridal style and teleport us to the throne room. The white light surrounds us then it's gone. I look forward and my mom is sitting on her throne with a calm expression. I rush over to her.

"Mom you have to help me . Caroline won't wake up even after I took her phone." I say stunning over my words. The calm expression on my mom's face soon turns worried.

"Let's get her to the medical room." Mom gets up and teleports is to the medical room. When we get there a doctor takes Caroline out of my arms and puts her on a bed. They start hooking her up to things and start running some tests. After all of that the doctor come up to us.

"She's not looking good your majesty. We don't think she'll make it." The doctor says. I let out a cry at the fact that my best friend for life might die. The doctor leaves and me and mom are left in the room alone.

"You have to do something mom. Anything. Just help her." I say holding back a sob. Mom nods. A white and blue light surrounds mom. The light leaves and mom is in her fairy form. I look at her and nod in approval of her fairy form. My mom's wings are white and big. My mom has on a white dress with layers. She still has her crown on but now she also has a white necklace. There is a white sash around mom's arms. Her shoes are white flats. I see my mom look Caroline up and down. My mom them closes her eyes. A couple seconds later they open. She puts her hands over Caroline's body. A blue light starts to fall on Caroline. My mom does this for a few seconds but then she stops. She looks at me and shakes her head. She starts coming my way ,when Caroline's eyes suddenly open.

" Where am I?" Caroline asks herself. She lifts up her head and sees us. I rush over to Caroline and give her the tightest hug ever.

"Don't ever to that again." I demand.

"Do what again?" Caroline asks. " Hey , where's my phone?"
The doctor comes in and tells us that Caroline can leave. The doctor discharges Caroline and we all leave. I go to my room. I change into my nightgown and get into bed. I clap twice and the lights go off. After a little while, I go to sleep.
Picture of Eternity's mom in fairy form to the side or up top. How did you like this chapter? Don't forget to vote and tell your friends about this.

*A True Princess

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