The Kingdom of Evergreen

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When Roxy teleported me and Caroline, we were shot into at tunnel of white light. The tunnels have openings that, I' m pretty sure, lead to other places. Roxy stops at a whitish- bluish opening. She grabs our arms extra hard and pulls us in. The opening drops is off in a meadow of sunflowers. We all fall into the meadow. Once we all get up, Roxy starts walking so me and Caroline follow her. She leads us to a big boulder. She taps the Boulder three time and it lifts up. She jumps on and we follow her lead. We fall down the tunnel. We all into another meadow. We get out and I look around. My wondering eyes stop when they land upon a white and blue castle. It's huge!

"Welcome to Castle Evergreen!" Roxy says. " Eternity, change into your fairy form and we can fly." I do as I am told and am soon in my fairy form,

"What about me?" Caroline says.

"Oh right I forgot about the newbie." Roxy say. Roxy lifts her finger and hits Caroline with a pink light. Immediately, a white bubble surrounds Caroline.

"Come on. We can't waste any more time. Your majesty is dying to meet you Eternity."
I start to spin, the I shot off. I'm at the castle in a matter of seconds. I land next to the gates. I change back to human form. There are two guards standing next to the gate. When they see me they now and open the gates. As I walk into the castle, I feel a blast of coldness. I look behind me to see Roxy and Caroline coming in the castle.

"Come on let's go to the throne room. The queen will probably be in there. We walk down the corridor until we come to a set of blue double doors. The guards open the doors and we step in. The throne room is mostly blue with white thrones. A fairy with white hair and a white crown on is sitting at one of the thrones. We walk on this long strip of white carpet. When we get to the throne, Roxy bows while me and Caroline remain standing up straight. The queen raises her hand, and Roxy stops bowing.

"Your majesty, I have brought Eternity just like you asked. She wouldn't leave without her friend, so I brought her as well. Her friend is also a fairy." Roxy says.

"Dismissed," The queen says and Roxy leaves. "Hello young ones."

"Hi. I'm Caroline." Caroline says.

"Caroline. How lovely. Now tell me Caroline, have you transformed into a fairy yet?" The queen asks.

"No I haven't. I just found out that I'm a fairy." Caroline replies.

"Okay." The queen claps twice and a servant runs up. He bows then stands back up. "Take Caroline here to her room."
The servant takes Caroline's arm and leads her out of the throne room. I turn back to the queen.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Sophia. My name is Sophia and you are my child. "

"Yes I realized that. Do you have any other children?" I question.

"Yes. I have two other children and here comes one now. " She says. I turn around to see a girl walking up to us.
She has brown hair and peach skin.

"Hi mother," she says. She turns and looks at me. " Mother, who is this?"

"Crystal, remember when I said that you had a sister that was coming to the castle?" Sophia says.

"Yes, I can't wait to meet her." Crystal says.

"Well this is your sister." I hear Crystal gasp and then run over to me. She tackles me in a bear hug.

"Let the girl go Crystal." Sophia says.
Crystal immediately let's me go.

"Good." Crystal nods her head then walks out of the throne room. I see Sophia get up and walk to me.

So Sophia-" I get cut of my Sophia.

"Please call me mom." She says.

"Okay mom, where are we going?" I ask.

"To your room of course." She takes my arm and starts leading us out of the throne room. She leads me to a set of stairs and we walk up. Once we get up the stairs , she stops.

"This is where everyone in the Royal Family lives and your friend will also be living here." She says. She takes my hand and leads me to a purple door.

"This is the hallway to your room." She opens the door and we step in. The hallway is silver. It has couches here and there. We come to a set of double doors and she pushes them open. When we step in, I look around. The room is basically just like my one in the mortal world. Except bigger and has more rooms.

"Goodnight darling. If you need anything just ring this bell." She kisses my forehead then leaves, I shut the door when she leaves. I walk over to my closet and change into my nightgown. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Then I go to my vanity and remove all the makeup I had on that day and I put my hair into a ponytail. I look around and I see Bella peacefully sleeping. I go over to my desk and grab my phone. I put the password on and change my messages. I have gotten two hundred messages from Alyssa asking where am I. I turn my phone off and set it down. I get in bed and try to sleep but I can't so I get up. I put my robe and slippers on then I walk out of my room. I walk down the long hallway then get out. I look around and try to determine which way to go. I go right because that's the way we came up here. I go down the stairs and it's all dark. But luckily I have night vision. I walk and walk for a long time until I get to a green door. I look down and see that it is glowing. I put my hand on the doorknob and turn. Inside is.......nothing. The only thing inside the room is a rug. I go over to the rug and lift it up. Under the rug is a hatch. I open up the hatch and see a set of stairs. I think about going down but then I hear someone opening up the door. I go on the stairs and close the hatch. I hear the door open then close. Once I think that the coast is clear, I get to open up the hatch but it's locked. That's just perfect. Note my sarcasm. I start waking down the stairs. Once I get to the bottom of the stairs, I see a door. Great another door. I open the door to see a garden and I'm not using my night vision. It's light in here. I look up and see the sky with a sun in it. I walk further into the garden. I see a swing set, some hammocks, and even a small waterfall. This is amazing! Everything is going well until I remember that I'm stuck down. I look around and I see something sparkle. I walk to the sparkle and see a key. I pick it up and go back upstairs. I put the key in the lock and the hatch opens. Once I'm out of the hatch, I go back to my room. I get into bed and fall asleep.
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*A True Princess

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