To The Village

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Mother is sitting on my bed when I wake up. When she sees that I'm awake, she talks talking.

"Good morning daughter. The reason why I'm in here is because you need to go to the village." Mom says.

"Why do I need to go to the village?" I ask sleepily.

"You need to gain the villagers trust," Mother says. "You need to be ready by ten am." Mom gets up and walks out m.

I get up and make my bed. I go over to my closet and pick up the keypad. Once I have my outfit ready, I go to the bathroom. I strip out of my clothes and get in the shower. I start washing then I rinse. I repeat that cycle for about twenty minutes. I get out and wrap the white towel around me. I go to my closet. I put on a long sleeves gray shirt. I put on a pink scarf and a pink pair of pants. I walk out and go towards my vanity. I quickly start on my makeup. I apply gray eyeshadow with pink eyeliner. I put on foundation and a little bit of blush. To finish it all off, I add pink lipstick on my lips. Next I start on my hair. I put my hair into waves. I go over to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I leave the bathroom and go over to my jewelry trunk. I open the trunk and pull out a pair of pink earrings. I also pull out a pink bracelet. Once I have those things on I go over to my bed. I put on my gray pumps and grab a pink purse. I go over to my desk and grab my phone from the charger. I look at the clock and it says nine fifty five. I rush out of my room and head towards the throne room. I open the doors and mom is waiting for me while standing up. I go to where she is standing.

"Nice. You're five minutes early. Usually it would take the girls hours just to get down here. Now let's go. The carriage is waiting for us outside." Mother says. She leads me to the front gates and the guards open the doors. When the guards open the door, the first thing I see is a white and blue carriage with white horses at the front of the carriage. The driver opens the door to the carriage and me and Mother hop in. The driver goes to the front and woos the horses. We quickly start heading to the village.

"When we get there, I am going to go to the park and you can go to Town Square." Mother says.

"Okay mum." I say.
The rest of the drive we sit in silence. When the carriage comes to a stop, the driver comes around to our door and helps us out. My mom gives me a map and then she goes away to the park. I walk for quite a while trying to find Town Square. When I finally get to town square, two people are fighting. There are other people in the square but they're too afraid to do anything. Well then, if they won't I will. I close my eyes and I feel energy bubbling inside me. When I open my eyes, my energy flies off of me onto the people in the square. The people who are fighting stop and look at me. I walk over to them.

"What is happening here?" I ask.

"This guy stole my grain and he won't give it back." The guy on the left says.

"But only because he stole my milk." The guy on the right replies.

"How about this? On the count of three you both will give the other person's stuff back." The guys nod.

"Okay. One...Two...Three." The men quickly give the stiff back. Then they walk off back to their farms. I start to leave Town Square, but I see a person in a black cloak going down a alley. Me, being my curious self, start to follow the mysterious person. I mask my scent so he won't smell. I catch up to him and tap his shoulder. He turns around and looks at me.

"Hello sir. How are you this fine morning?" I say.
The man grunts a response.

"Could you please take off your cloak. It's too much of a sunny day to block it all out." I ask. The man stands still for a moment but then he starts to take his cloak off. The guy is stunning. He has ruffled black hair. He has a chiseled chin that is to die for. His eyes captivate you into looking at them for hours. After I'm done with my daze, the mysterious man starts talking.

"Sorry, I had my cloak on. The sun and me don't get along very well." He says with his perfect voice.

"Don't worry about it. What's your name?" I ask him.

"My name is Xavier. What is your name fair maiden?" Xavier asks.

"My name is Eternity." I say.

"Eternity. What a lovely name. Now I must get going. Father will be worried if I'm not home for brunch." He says. Xavier starts to leave but my voice stops him,

"Will I see you soon if I come to the village again?" I ask him.

"Most likely." He turns and walks away.

For the next few hours, I meet and greet with the villages. I settle disputes between villagers and get a bunch of fruit baskets. By the time I go back to the carriage, I have at least twenty fruit baskets in my hand. The driver opens the door for me and we take off towards the castle. Mother wanted to start at the park a bit longer so she is at the park. When we get to the castle, a guard quickly takes all the fruit baskets off of me. I tell him to put them in the kitchen. But not without saying please of course. I walk into the palace and head to Caroline's room to check up on her. When I get to Caroline's room, but having to walk through the hallway, I open the door. Caroline is on her laptop, typing away. I walk towards her and sit down on the chair next to her.

"Guess what?!?" I say happily.
Caroline turns to look at me.

"It must be really big because you are never this happy. So what is it?" She says.

"When I went to the village, I met a guy." I say quickly. Caroline face quickly turns excited.

"What does he look like? What's his name? Is he cute?" Caroline asks in one quick motion.

"He has eyes to die for. His name is Xavier and yes he is cute." I answer.

"Ohh. When can I meet him?" Caroline asks.

"Maybe later on. He's pretty mysterious." I answer.

"Okay. Now shoo, I'm working on a paper for fairy class." I leave her room and walk out of her hallway. I go downstairs back to the library. I open the door. I go towards the first shelf on the right and grab one big book. I go to a table and drop the book on the desk. I open the book and I see tons of new spells. Some are about levitation. Others are about speaking to the dead. When I finish the first eighteen chapters I get up. I take the book with me because I want to read it some more. I head towards my room. I set the book on my bed. I change into my nightgown. I take off my jewelry and put it back in the trunk. I head over to my vanity. I grab a makeup wipe and start taking off my makeup. Once I've taken off all of my makeup, I throw the wipe into the trash. I put my hair into a tight ponytail. I go to the bathroom and wash my face. I brush my teeth as well. I go over to my shelf and grab my contacts case. I take my contacts out and put them in the case. I put the case back on the a shelf and grab my glasses. I put them on the I get into bed. I start reading where I left off but soon I fall asleep right on the book.
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*A True Princess

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