The Day Before

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The next morning I wake up by my phone ringing. I get up and I go answer it.

"Hello." I say sleepily.

"Eternity?" I hear Wendy's worried voice. Wendy was my mom in the mortal world.

"Wendy? Is that really you?" I say not believing my ears.

"Eternity it's me. Are you safe? Where are you? We will get you from your kidnapper. Where are you?" She rushes all of her words.

"Wendy, I wasn't kidnapped." I say.

"Well of course you were kidnapped. You aren't here." Wendy replies.

"If I was kidnapped, don't you think the kidnapper would be smart enough to take away my phone so I couldn't ask for help?" I ask.

"Well you wouldn't run away from you family." Wendy says.

"I found my real family, Wendy. You have to accept that." I say.

"We are your real family honey. Please come back." Wendy responds tearing up.

"I can't just leave my family. They would be broken." I say getting angry.

"You left us Eternity! We are broken! We are going to look until we find you!" Wendy exclaims.

"You won't find me. Goodbye Wendy." I quickly hang up the phone. My face is red with rage. Once I calm down, I start my daily routine. I make my bed and go over to my closet. I pick up the keypad and pick out my outfit. Once I have my outfit, I go over to the bathroom. I strip out of my clothes and get in the shower. I wash real carefully trying not to break the whole castle with my rage. When I'm done, I get out and wrap myself in a white towel. I head to my closet. I decide to wear a gray shirt that says Don't Go With The Flow. I put on blue skinny jeans. Once I have all of my clothes on, I walk to my vanity. I sit down and turn the lights on. I apply foundation and mascara. I put on gray eyeshadow and black eyeliner. To finish the look off, I add gray lipstick. Next I start on my hair. I put  my head into a messy bun. When I finish that, I get up and go over to my jewelry trunk. I open the trunk up and put on a black bracelet. I close the trunk and walk over to the bathroom. I brush my teeth quickly and walk out of the bathroom. I grab my black purse and put in my spell book. I put on my back sandals and I head out. I go to the throne room because Mother wanted to see me. I open the double doors and walk in. Mother is talking to her advisor. When she sees me the advisor leaves.

"Good morning Mother. You needed me?" I say.

"Yes darling. I need you to go to the bakery and pick up some bread." Mother says.

"Okay. I'll take my horse." I say.
I walk out of the throne room and go to the gates. The guards open the gates and Flower is waiting for me. I hop on Flower and tap her lightly. She races off to the village. Once we get in the village, Flower slows her run down to a trot. When we get to the bakery, I hop off of Flower and walk in. The baker welcomes me. I tell her what I need and  she goes to get it. The Baker's store is very lovely. It has pictures of a family, it has seating areas, and there is this cute little bird in the corner of the store. I go grab one of the photos. It has a man, a woman, a girl, and another's girl. In the picture, no one is smiling. I wonder why. The baker comes back out and gives me my bread. I thank her and I pay her. I grab the bread and leave the store. I put the bread in my purse. I hop on Flower and I tap her gently. She races off back to the castle. When we get to the castle, I hop off of her. A guard comes up to Flower and takes her to the horse barn. The guards open the gates and I walk in the castle. I go straight to the throne room to give Mother her bread. I open up the double doors and I walk in. Mother is pacing back and forth. When she sees me she stops pacing. I walk up to her.

"I got your bread Mother." I say and give her her bread.

"Thank you Eternity. You need to go to your room. You're going to need your sleep for tomorrow." She says.  I give mother a hug then I walk out. I would go to bed but it's way too early. So I go to my secret garden. I go to the room that it's in. I lift up the rug and unlock the hatch. I open the hatch and start walking down the stairs. When I get to the bottom, I open up the door and walk inside of the garden. The garden is as bright as ever. I go over to my hammock and I lay in it while reading a book. When I finish my book I go back upstairs. When I get to the top, I go to the library. I open the doors and step inside. I go to the second bookshelf on the right side of the library. I grab three large books. I take all of the books to my favorite table. The first book is about types of flowers. The second book is about a young boy who becomes a millionaire. The last book is about a girl who lives in a mansion with all of her friends. I read all of my books quickly and then I put them back on the bookshelf. I leave the library and go to Caroline's room. I open the door up and look around. Caroline is on her bed watching a movie on her tablet. I walk over to her.

"Hey Caroline. What movie are you watching?" I ask.

"Eternity! Why haven't you visited me before? I'm so bored in this castle. There's nothing to do." She exclaims.

"Sorry. I've been busy. I have to get ready. Plus there are lots of things to do in the castle. You just haven't figured them out." I say.

"Then help me find things to do." She says exasperated.

"Well I can't do it now. It's late." I reply.

"So? I don't care if it's late. It's not like we have anything to do tomorrow." She says.

"Actually we do." I respond.

"What do we have?" She asks.

"I can't tell you yet. It's a surprise." U say.

"Okay." She replies.

"Goodnight." I walk out. I go over to my room. I walk into my room. I out my purse down and I change into my nightgown. I go to the bathroom and I wash my face. I do my business and I wash my hands. I walk out of the bathroom and I sit down on my bed. I take off my sandals and put them in the vault of shoes. I take my phone and spell book out of my purse. I get into my bed and I clap twice. The lights go off and so do I.
Picture of Eternity's outfit to the side or at the top. How did you guys like this chapter? Don't forget to vote and tell your friends about this book.

*A True Princess

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