Bring It On

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I wake up the next morning without feeling the urge to vomit. I get up and make the bed which Sebastian is not in. I go over to the closet and choose an outfit for me. I walk to the bathroom and I turn on the lights. I close the door and then I strip. My clothes get placed on the floor but still neatly. I get into the shower and turn on the water. I wash and I rinse then I get out. I wrap myself in a white towel and I leave the bathroom. I go to the closet and put on my clothes. I put on a black shirt and a mostly red floral skirt. I also put on a black and gold skirt. I leave the closet and go sit down at my vanity. I start putting on foundation and concealer. Then I add black eyeshadow and black eyeliner. After that I apply mascara and red lipstick. I put my hair into a fish tail braid. I get up and walk back to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and get out one of my perfumes. It's called Hypnotic Poison. I spray a couple of squirts on me and then I leave the bathroom. I go to my jewelry trunk and pull out a pair of gold flower earrings. I put them on and I go to my bed. I put on black pumps and I grab a red clutch. I get up and leave the room but not without getting my wand. I will probably have to fight. Today I am going to visit Xavier in oblivion. I told Mother that I would because she said it would make her feel better. I go to the special room and I close the door. I feel around until I find the light. I switch it on and look around. I am in the hall of portals. Every place you can think of has a portal. I go to the back of the room and remove the curtain. Behind it is the portal to oblivion. I take my wand out and zap me into the portal. When I get there, I am terribly greeted by a very harsh blizzard. I wave my wand around me and a barrier appears that surrounds me keeping out the cold. I walk until I see a cottage. It's a little brick cottage with a little windows in the side. It's looks like it's from the 60's. I walk to the front door and I knock. What? Just because I'm in oblivion doesn't mean I can just stop being a queen. The door opens by the harsh wind. No one is standing a the doorway. An eerie way to enter a house but I do anyway. I close the door behind me and walk further into the cottage.
There is a small fireplace in the corner of the room. On top of it is a case holding something. Me, being my oh so nosy self, walked over to the fireplace. I put my hand out and I am just about to open it when I hear a voice.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Xavier says.
I turn around quickly and find Xavier standing on the stairs with a devilish grin on his face.

"What are you smiling at?" I ask.

"I'm smiling because I'm not alone. I don't get many visitors here, as long as you don't count the zombies, vampires, and werewolves I'm pretty much alone. What brings you to my humble abode?"

"I have to visit you every two months. My mother said that it would make her feel better."

"What do you even listen to that bitch? I mean she doesn't really have good reasoning. She did marry your dad after all."
I was going to attack but that's exactly what he wants. So I remain emotionless just staring Xavier deep into the eyes.

"My mother has great reasoning. If she didn't, she would have married your dad."
He clenches his feet and grinds his teeth. I see his eyes turn red.

"You are very stupid for saying that missy." He says walking down the stairs." I might be miserable but I can still have a good fight."
I meet Xavier half way.

"Bring it on, bitch!" I scream in his face.
He jumps on me and starts punching me in the face. But I counter attack. I grab my wand and hit him in the face with it. I pop back up and change into my fairy form. I hit him with one of my dark icicles. It's when I throw a ball of blue energy towards him. He falls to the ground, his head very close to the fireplace. I walk to him very slowly until I am right in front of him.

"I would kill you but I am a queen. You will suffer here for all of time." I say kneeling before him.

"No way. I'm out of here. I'm not sure if you are." He jumps up and jumps on me. We both fall out of the window. Glass get everywhere, even in our bodies, but we don't really notice. I get up and I shoot swirly light blue balls at him. He quickly covers himself with a barrier. I fly up trying to get a good look at him. I decide to shoot a stream of fire energy at Xavier. It hits him and he passes out. I fly down and change back into my human form. I brush off the imaginary dust that's on my skirt. I point my wand at Xavier and a large snow flake surrounds him. I zap myself and soon enough I'm back in the room. I pull the curtain back down and leave the room. I teleport to my room and I see Sebastian lying on the bed on his phone. I set my clutch and wand down and I join him in the bed. He sets down his phone and looks at me.

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