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Nico's Point

I rode with a guard back to a boat followed shortly by Drew once there the guard got off the horse then tried to help me down but I refused his help and got down by myself.

"Don't worry, we'll be home before you know it." Drew said sweetly

"You'll be home shortly" I corrected

"Most you be like this?" Drew asked

"Look, I only went with you to save his life" I said

"Who's life? The man who kidnapped you? Why would you care if he lived or not?" Drew asked

"HE didn't kidnapped me, HE saved me and I care if he dies because I care for him" I said putting emphasis on He and I.

"You've had a rough few days, you should rest" Drew said softly before she walked away.

As we traveled on the boat I stayed I stayed in my room the prince had given me the whole time.

Once we got back to land we saddled up on horseback and rode back to the place I hated the most at the moment.

"Thank the gods you'll alright, everyone here at the palace has been worried" one of the top guard said as we arrived

"Your lucky you have someone like the princess and her righthand man" the guard said

"Yes...very luck" I said not actually meaning it.

"How is the king doing?" Drew said

"You father's health has decreased since you've been gone" the guard said

"I'm very tired from the trip back and I'd like to rest" I said

"Of course" the guard said

"The news must have upset him" Drew said quietly as I walked away.

I walked into the palace and up to my room
Before I had came to the palace my bedroom was small and simple the walls were the same dark wood as the outside of the house, there was one small bed pushed against the wall just big enough for a single person to lay in, to the side of the bed was a end table and there was a small closet for my clothes. Here however the walls were white trimmed with real gold, on the left wall as a short dresser with and mirror that was trimmed in real gold, on the right wall were two doors, one lead into a walk-in closet that was bigger then my own room and the other lead into a huge bathroom that had a tub big enough to fit 5 sitting people. In the middle of the room was the bed with to end tables and a chest footstool, the bed had a large elegant comforter with matching two feather pillows and it was big enough to fit four people laying side by side and of course the bed, the end tables and the footstool were all trimmed in real gold.

I walk over to the bed and plopped onto it. It was the most comfortable bed I had but I hated because it only reminded me of my situation.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep but I was woken up what seemed like only an hour later by a knock at the door.

"What?" I mumbled agitatedly into my pillow.

"It's the king" a servant said

"What about him?" I asked still not moving. I just wanted to go back to sleep.

"He's passed" the servant said and I shot out of bed and ran over to the door.

"What did you say?" I asked as I swung the door open

"The King passed away" the servant said

"I-I need a moment" I said

"Of course" the servant said before I closed the door on him.

I turned around and slid down the door . The servant waiting on the otherside probably thought I was upset and while that was true it wasn't for the reason they would think.

With the king gone it meant that his daughter had to took over as soon as possible and it also meant that her wedding would be pushed up.

I sat there for a few moments calming myself before I got back up and opened the door to see the servant patiently waiting.

"Tell me the plans" I said

"Her Majesty want the wedding moved up to tomorrow morning" The Servant said

"Tomorrow?!" I asked in shock.

"Yes, she wants it done as soon as possible and there's a lot that needs to be done otherwise she would have had it tonight" The Servant said

I had to support myself with the doorframe and take a few deep breath to stop myself from falling and passing out.

The servant lead me out of the room and the wedding preparations began.

They took me and got me fitted for a suit then they explained and had me go over everything that needed to happen and by the time I was allowed to go to sleep I only had two hours before I had to start getting ready for the wedding.

Time seemed to fly by and before I knew it I was I standing by the same archway I had been at when the princess introduced me to the towns people only now I was dressed like a king.

"My father told me before he died to love as he had And life will be filled with happiness and joy" Queen Drew said as she spoke to the towns people once again.

"And now I present to you the prince consort Nico!" Drew said with joy and I slowly walked out into the cheering crowd.

"BOO!" Someone in the crowd shouted over and over.

"Why are you upset?" I asked

"You had the love of you life and you let him go" The person said

"I did what I had to save his life, they would have killed him" I said

"His true love saved him from someone who wanted to kill him! His true love saved him when he needed help in the fire swamp!" The person yelled to the crowd

"You have done nothing but treat the man who loves you like garbage!" The person yelled

"I would never, I love Will more then anything!" I yelled back

"And yet here you are married to another!" The person said

"Go ahead and bow to a man of filth and shame! But I say boo!" The person yelled.

"Boo! Boo! Boo!" The person yelled getting louder and louder as they walked towards me and then shoved me over.


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