Making A Plan

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"Hey Asclepius, do you know how to fix this piece?" Apollo asked holding a strange instrument

"You broke the Valdezinator?!" Leo asked and it was then that the Apollo noticed Leo and me.

"Leo...Frank? What brings you here? Also since your here can you fix this? Hermes broke it" Apollo said and my head was screaming at the fact that he remembered my name, the god who was my idol remembered my name.

"As much as I would love to fix it I have a bigger problem" Leo said pointing down at Will and as Apollo looked at who he was pointing at he dropped  the instrument

"That doesn't mean you need to break it more" Leo said but Apollo ignored him and ran over to Will's side.

"Will?" Apollo asked holding his hand.

"You know him?" I asked

"Of course I do, his my son" Apollo said.

"Brother" Asclepius said softly before he started to rummage through his cabinets

"What are you doing?" Leo asked

"I can't just leave my brother like that" Asclepius said

"Then you'll help us?" I asked

"But Hades has forbid you to bring people back" Apollo said

"I kinda already broke that rule when I made the physician's cure for Leo and his friend Jason, besides Will is not dead" Asclepius said

Asclepius gathered a bunch of supplies and began mixing things together and after two hours he poured what he had made into a bottle and swirled it around.

"Father, tilt his head up" Asclepius said and Apollo placed a head behind Will's head and gently lifted then Asclepius slowly poured the liquid in his mouth once he was done Apollo laid his head back down.

"What now?" I asked

"It should take effect by the time you get to the palace" Asclepius said

"Are you saying we need to go with him still like this?" Leo asked

"If you want to stop The king's daughter" Asclepius said

"Guess we have no choice then" Leo said

"Take care of him" Apollo said

"We will" I said before picking Will up and heading out the door with Leo.

It took a little while to get to the palace and once we were there we snuck up to a small hill that overlooked the front gates

"That's a lot more then I thought there'd be" I said

"No matter. we've got him, and he's going to help as with a plan to get in" Leo said and shortly after Will's eyes shot open

"Let go of me! Or else!" Will yelled as he  looked around frantically then he calmed down a little when he realized we had him.

"You two, what are you doing here? What happened? And why can't I move?" Will asked

"Someone had captured you and tortured you, we found you and took you to someone who helped heal you" I said as Leo turned his head so he was looking at me

"If they healed me then why can't I move?" Will asked

"Must not have taken full effort yet, the guy said you were mostly dead" Leo said as he turned Will's head so he was looking at him, it was clear he was having a little to much fun doing so.

"I appreciate what you did, but why did you help me?" Will asked

"We need your help getting into the palace so that I can exact revenge on the person who killed my mother" Leo said

"Also tonight is the princess's wedding" I said

"That, I won't allow" Will said

"What are we up against?" Will asked

"Around 70 man who guard the front gates" Frank said

"Let me see" Will said and we moved him so that he could see everything then moved him back

"That is a lot, how much time do we have?" Will asked

"The wedding's in 20 minutes" Leo said

"Dosen't give us a lot of time" Will said taping a finger on his leg

"You moved your finger" I said

"I'm a fast healer. What are are strengths?" Will asked

"Your brain, my sword and Frank's strength" Leo said

"I don't think this is possible. If I had more time maybe but with less then 20 minutes" Will said before shaking his head.

"Hey! You moved your head, that's great!" I said

"I understand yourtryingto make light a bad situation and I appreciateit but I'm more worried about my " Will said

"If we had a wheelbarrow and a cloak I would have a plan" Will said

"What would that be?" Leo asked

"I was thinking we could roll Him standing in the wheelbarrow with a cloak on and at the right moment we take a torch an-" Will begin to explain but I stopped him the moment I heard torch.

"Whoa, I'm not doing anything with fire" I said

Will was about to say something before Leo spoke up.

"If it's fire you want I can help with that. I can light myself on fire" Leo said before he held up his index finger and produced a flame from it making me back a few feet away.

"Why didn't you say that when I asked about our strengths?" Will asked not in a way that said he was angry but just frustrated at the situation.

"It didn't cross my mind at the time" Leo said

"Is there anything else?" Will asked

"I can turn into animals" I added

"I was wondering were the gorilla went after I got to the top of the cliffs" Will said

"Oh, I have a magic toolbelt. In fact..." Leo said as he reached his hand into his toolbelt and doug around for a moment before he pulled out a black cloak.

"When did you get that?" I asked

"I honestly can't remember." Leo said

"Do you have a sword in there?" Will asked

"I don't think you can use one in your state" Leo said

"You two are the only ones who know that, besides we need to be prepared for what ever problems we face inside" Will said.

"Right so how do I find the Count? And then how do I found both of you? And how do we plan on escaping?" Leo asked one question right after the other

"Leo, don't pile so much on him at once."

"Sorry" Leo said

"I hope we can pull this off" I said

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