Chapter 17: Valentine Fun

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Copia sat at one of the tables in the dining hall with his coffee, silently panicking. He wanted to do something for Valentines Day but was having trouble thinking of what to do, and with less than a week to figure it out he was nervous.

"What's got your sideburns in a twist Copia?"

Copia jumped a bit having not seen Terzo walk up, sighing as he took a seat next to him.

"I don't have time for your bullshit right now Terzo."

"Il mio fratellino you are clearly in distress and, while an asshole, I do care."

Copia groaned as he plopped his head down on the table.

"This wouldn't happen to have anything to do with Y/n would it?"


"Did something happen?"

Copia groaned as he lifted his head.

"No... I just want to do something special for Valentines but I don't know what!"

"Well... I think in this case, simplicity would be good."

Copia sighs and holds his face in his hands as Primo walked by.

"What's wrong with Copia?"

"He's panicking over what to do for valentines."

Suddenly, Copia had a thought.

"Primo, do you think you could assist me with something?"


Love was in the air all around the abbey. You couldn't help but smile at all the couples, exchanging gifts and a few confessions rose to light.You were a bit excited because you were finally going to meet up with Copia who had apparently planned something for the afternoon. You made your way to his quarters, knocking on the door when you arrived. You opened the door to an empty office, hearing Cirice squeaking from the bedroom you go and meet your furry friend.

"Hello Cirice, how are you today."

You receive a small squeak in response as you booped her nose.

"You wouldn't happen to know what our cardinal has planned, do you?"

"She doesn't."

You jumped a bit at Copia's sudden appearance. Both chuckling, Copia comes over and take you in his arms.

"How are you il tesoro?"


"Well, shall I reveal my surprise then?"

"If you'd be so kind."

Saying goodbye to Cirice you followed Copia through the halls until you came to a set of familiar doors that led to the courtyard. The sun was now behind the walls of the church, leaving the yard protected from the sun. You noticed under one of the trees in the corner was what you assumed was the surprise. The tree had a few lanterns hanging from the branches emitting a soft glow, underneath was a small basket sitting on the bench.

"Wow, I thought Primo didn't like people messing with the garden."

"Well amore, I happened to get special permission from him to pull this off. I hope its a nice surprise, yes?"

You give him a quick kiss.

"Its perfect."


You and Copia spent the rest of the day under the tree, enjoying an assortment of pastries Copia had gotten from town. After a while, as the sky began to lose light, you both decided to head back inside and back to Copia's room.

"Thank you Copia, I really enjoyed that."

"Of course amore, I'm glad you enjoyed it."

You walk up and hug him from behind, savoring the moment. Copia slowly turns to face you, placing a kiss on your forehead.

"Buon San Valentino tesoro mio."

"Happy Valentine's day love."

You giggled as he lifted you up and carried you towards the bedroom, a mischievous glint in his eyes. This was definitely a memorable Valentine's day.

A/N: Hello! I know this is late and a bit short but I hope you enjoy anyways. :)

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