Chapter 1: First Meetings

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A somewhat loud ring pierced the air. You waited for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes, as you were about to ring again you heard footsteps coming towards the door along with a voice.

"J-just a moment!"

The voice seemed somewhat worried? Maybe awkward was a better term. You didn't have time to think further before one of the large doors opened. You were now face to face with a younger middle aged man: He was wearing black robe along with a hat, a strange pendant hung from his chest. You could see he had short brown hair with a small mustache, you were a bit taken aback by the black make-up around his eyes and on his upper lip.

"Oh! Hello miss, h-how may I assist you?"

"F-forgive me. I'm new to town and don't have anywhere to stay. Is there someone here that can help me?"

"Yes, let me get you Sister Imperator. Please come in."

You stepped inside what was revealed to be a long corridor. You looked to the man who was closing the large door. You wouldn't admit it out loud, but you really liked his accent, which was only enhanced with his clearly awkward demeanor. Trying to lighten the mood you decided to try and break the silence.

"Thank you Mr...?"

"Oh, please forgive me! I'm Cardinal Copia, and you are?"


"Well Ms. (Y/n), if you could kindly follow me."

He held out his arm for you to take, while a bit surprised you took it. Without staring him down you tried to study the Cardinal. You noticed his dark eyes, almost like an abyss you could get lost in. While not super muscular, his arm felt firm in your grasp and she silently scolded herself for letting her mind wonder what the rest of his body might be like. He led you down another corridor as you walked in silence.


"Yes cara?"

"May I ask why you're wearing such... bold make-up?"

"Ah! Yes, it is a part of our uniform in a way. I will warn you now that we aren't a normal church."

"What do you me-"

"Ah, we're here."

You released his arm as he stepped up to what you assumed was an office door, seeing the gold Sister Imperator nameplate. The Cardinal knocked on the door and waited.


The Cardinal nodded to you and opened the door. You could now see the older woman sitting at a large wooden desk.

"Cardinal, what brings you here?"

"Sister, I would like to introduce Ms. (Y/n). She says she's new to town and is in need of a place to stay."

You stepped beside the Cardinal and gave a small nod.

"It's nice to meet you Sister."

Sister Imperator stood from her desk and made her way over. She was an older woman with her blond hair pulled back and an emotionless face. She wore a skirt and blazer and overall radiated 'boss energy'. She nodded back to you.

"Likewise (Y/n). What brings you to town may I ask?"

"Running away from an unsafe place... I'd rather not elaborate."

You felt a hand on you shoulder. You saw it belonged to the Cardinal, who gave you a reassuring look. You gave a small smile and turned back to Sister Imperator.

"I'm sorry about that. You don't have to elaborate but it wouldn't happen to relate to, say, your church?"

Your eyes widen just a little bit, all you can muster is a small nod.

"I was afraid that was the case. We've had a couple of young ones like yourself come through in a similar situation. If I may offer, we welcome people in your situation sanctuary here in our convent if you are interested. I will have to warn you though, we aren't a... normal church."

You were confused by what that meant.

"May I ask then... what type of church are you?"

You see an almost mischievous smile come to Sister's face. She opens a drawer in her desk and pulls out a pamphlet.

"Here's an informational pamphlet to help you make a decision. Until then, let us offer you a room to stay in in case you decide to find a different place to stay. I know it's a lot to take in but I hope you will be open minded."

She nods to the Cardinal before taking your hands in hers.

"Welcome to the church (Y/n), even if it's only for a short time."

"Thank you Sister."

You follow Cardinal out of the office back into the corridor.

"Shall I show you to your room?"

He offers his arm to you again as he leads you further into the mysterious church.


It had been a few hours since you first arrived at the weird church and you were very thankful. You were able to take a shower and Cardinal even made sure to grab you for dinner. You were now back in your room: it was a modest size with a full bed, a small desk and a closet. You held the pamphlet in your hand, a nagging feeling that made you nervous to open it. You finally decided to bite the bullet and open it, audibly gasping as you read the first page...

'Welcome to the Church of Satan!"

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