Chapter 31: Wedding Night

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*Warning: Smut

You take a deep breath, feeling your core throbbing in anticipation. Normally you didn't have the time nor the energy for intimacy like this, this was nice since the sisters were watching the twins for the night. Copia continued to kiss your neck, making his way to your collarbone. You feel him smile against your skin, his hands reaching for the bottom of your slip.

"Let's get this out of the way, si?"

You smile, rising slightly so he can slip it over your body and over your head, leaving you in just your underwear. Copia groans at the sight of you, you blush a bit, turning your face away.

"Is something wrong cara?"

"It's just... I'm a little self conscious..."

Obviously carrying the twins took a toll on your body, after all this time you were mostly back to your usual self but there was a bit of chub. You had also developed stretch marks, some on your belly and some on your hips. Copia, letting out a playful scoff, takes your chin and turns your head to look you in the eye.

"You, la mia dea oscura, are breathtaking. So what if you have a little belly, I would be a hypocrite if I said anything, and I think you're divine. Those stretch marks? Maybe think of them as battle scars, no? You gave your body to create not one, but two lives, and I'm going to treat you like the succubus you are.~"

He grabs you, quickly flipping you onto the bed. You begin to pull at his shirt, untucking it and pulling it over his head. He smiles down at you, eyes full of lust and desire.

"Please sit up for one second."

You do, Copia reaching behind you and expertly unclasping your bra with one hand. He takes it and tosses it onto a chair close to the bed, gently pushing you back onto the bed.

"Forgive me cara, but since we have the time..."

He slowly pulls your underwear off, leaving you bare. You see him reach into the bedside cabinet and pull out a bottle. He removes his gloves and cotes his fingers with lube.

"I think I'm going to tease a little bit."

He carefully grazes your folds, you shudder in anticipation. He takes one finger, entering your vagina as a moan escapes your lips.

"Oh cara, I've missed your song.~"

He groans, adding a second finger and hitting you in just the right spot. You could already feel a climax rising, nearly bursting when he sent his thumb to work on your clit. You whimper at the sudden sensation, the pleasure building as he kisses the inside of your thigh.


"It's alright cara, cum for me. Show me how much you enjoy it.~"

The orgasm hits you suddenly, you crying out at the sensation as Copia continues to work you through your high. When you calm down he removes his hand.

"Are you ready for me, tesoro?"


He kisses your thigh again, standing to remove his pants. His cock almost springing free from the tight fitting garment, already leaking pre-cum. Copia slips on a condom, applying some more lube before lining up with your entrance. He looks at you and you nod, you could tell he had missed this feeling too. He thrusts all the way inside you, giving you a moment to adjust before pulling back. You arch your back, lifting yourself towards him. Taking one arm he hugs you close to him, placing a kiss on your temple. You hug his neck as he continues, thrusting in and out, gradually gaining speed. You feel another climax rising, this cock filling you beautifully and hitting all the right spots.

"C-Copia... oh god, it feels so good!~"

"Si... oh how I've missed this, how good your cunt feels around my cock.~"

You feel yourself on edge, nails digging into his back.


"Si amore, cum with me.~"

You both fall over the edge, Copia gradually slowing as you come down from your joined orgasm. After you both catch your breath he pulls out, disposing of the condom before joining you in bed, draping the covers over both of you. Copia caresses your face.

"My beautiful wife."

"My wonderful husband."

You cuddle into his arms, enjoying the moment before falling asleep.

*The next morning

You felt the sun on your face, slowly waking up. You were still in Copia's arms, you turn to face him and chuckle seeing his disheveled face paint.

"What's so funny amore?"

"Your face paint is all messed up."

He groans, sitting up and stretching his arms.

"I believe a shower is in order, si?"

You smile, taking his hand as he leads you to the bathroom. 

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