Chapter 24: Happy

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*A couple weeks later

You woke up to the now all too familiar nausea, luckily there was also the familiar smell of what you jokingly called Primo's miracle tea. You look at the nightstand and see a mug with a note next to it.

'In case you still need it. See you later. XOXO -Cardi'

You chuckle, taking a sip of tea. Copia had been feeling bad since now, as Papa, he was busier than ever and couldn't stay with you. You were excited though because you had your first official appointment and you would be getting sonogram pictures. Even though he said it was fine you were determined to make sure he was the first to know about anything baby related from now on. You chuckled thinking about when you got back from Mexico.


You let out a sigh of relief as you basically melted into the bench.

"Hello Mama."

You look up and see Terzo taking a seat next to you.

"Tired are we?"

"Yes... I shouldn't be this tired, I barely helped."

"Well, have you been fatigued?"

"Since just before I found out."

"Well, there it is. Don't push yourself."

"Don't worry, Copia is watching me like a hawk. Also, Mama?"

"Yes. That's actually your official title as one of the sister's superiors and as Copia's prime mover. On top of that, you will be one."

Suddenly, Copia rounds a corner into the hall you were in. Terzo suddenly jumps up and hugs him.

"Congratulazioni fratello! Sei un Papa adesso!"

"Dannazione, non farmi cadere! Has Y/n told you?"


Copia looks to you.

"I may have told him first..."

Copia looked surprised, looking to you and Terzo for an answer.

"The day I found out I had to help all three of them with some paperwork, they started questioning me when Primo mentioned my nausea. Secondo is intimidating..."

You all hear a chuckle from the other end of the hall, looking to see Secondo and Primo coming to join you.

"I didn't mean to intimidate you sorella."

It was now Secondo giving Copia a hug.

"We're all happy for you fratello, you as well sorella."

*End of flashback, after the appointment

You excitedly made your way through the ministry on a Papa scavenger hunt. Running into Aether, he informed you that he'd snuck away to the ghoul's den in the basement to escape the nagging of Nihil. You made your way down, finding him reclined on the large couch in the center of the room.

"Hiding Papa?"

He chuckles, inviting you to sit next to him.

"The old man isn't letting go."

"I thought it'd be easier once he'd passed. Not to disrespect the dead."

"No worries cara, he was and still is a dickhead. How did the appointment go?"

"Everything looked good, strong heartbeat. Oh, that reminds me!"

Copia looks at you with a brow raised as you look through your bag, finding what you were looking for you hand it to Copia. He smiles, looking at the sonogram picture.

"Sorprendente... sono cosi grandi adesso."

"And, as promised, you're the first to see them."

He chuckled, kissing your temple as he cuddled you close. Running his hand along your side he pauses, sitting up.

"Is something wrong?"

He smirks at you, taking your shirt and tightening it around your abdomen to show off a small bump. You were a little surprised since you hadn't noticed at the appointment.

"As I said, they're growing."

You take his face in your hands, giving him a kiss. Suddenly, the doors to the den burst open with all the ghouls piling in with a disgruntled Aether close behind.

"Sorry, I tried to stop them!"

"Per l'amore di- whats going on?"

Cirius, helping Swiss who fell on the floor, spoke up.

"Well, we remembered Mama talking about how she had an appointment today and we were wondering if there were pictures..."

You chuckle, pulling out the rest of the pictures and handing them to her.

"You know, when we aren't in our formal gear you can still just call me Y/n."

She nods, passing around the pictures. You don't notice Copia staring at you, smiling. He just couldn't believe the sight in front of him: you, a kind but somewhat broken girl who wandered to the ministry by chance, a girl that as you stayed longer he fell harder, was now gossiping with his ghouls about the child you carried inside you. Finally free from conversation he pulls you, gently, back into his arms.

"Jealous for my attention Papa?"

He chuckles, resting a hand on your small bump.

"No amore, just really happy."

You kiss the tip of his nose, giggling and cuddling into his arms as the ghouls continued to fawn over the pictures. 

Your Beauty Never Scared Me: Papa IV x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now