oh,keigo I'm relieved that ur awake

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Hawks POV.

When hawks woke up the first thing he saw was the letter that dabi left for him yesterday night.

Hawks took the letter and read it out.
He was shocked after reading it

"Prettybird!?"he thought.was dabi here?he was out of his thoughts after hearing the sound of the doors opening.

He saw all of the class 1a students who have came to visit him.

They were there for afew hours.when they left,he leaned in his bed and closed his eyes for some rests.

*Hospital's fire alarm went off*

"Wha-..!"that was all hawks could say before blacking out cuz of someone smacking the back of his neck.

When he got his sence back he found himself in a large king sized bed.

When he looked around his srounding he was in a place he couldn't identify.

He heard the door open and quickly looked at the door entrance.

It was dark so he couldn't see the person's face who was standing in the door entrance.all he could see was their eyes,it was the colour of the large mighty ocean.in sort it was ocean blue eyes.

"It is truly beautiful..."hawks said mumbling but the person heard it and came closer to the king sized bed.

The person turned on the light to reveal himself as dabi.

Hawks went speechless...he didn't had anything in his mind.it was so fuzzy that his head was spinning.

"Oh keigo I'm relieved that ur awake!"said dabi giving a psychopath look.

"H-how did you know my name!?"said keigo shaking after seeing dabi.

He was trumatized after what happened with his wings.he was so afraid of dabi that he would do anything to get out of that room.

____________to be continued__________

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