He has a child now?!

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Dabi POV:

i woke up from my dreamless sleep as i heard a child crying.i looked at my camera that i installed on hawk's back to spy on him and get some information out him ,i thought that he was just watching TV or something but i was totally surprised when i saw a baby crying on his arm as he was trying to stop her crying.the camera was upside-down as if the shirt was on a chair or something right in front of him.

I heard him humming at first and saw him gently shaking the child trying to stop her from crying.i though that he would give up on trying but he talked with the child and my mind focused more on what he was saying.i heard him say 'evie, please stop crying you know your daddy couldn't sleep because of it, it's 5:38 in the morning...' exactly she didn't only woke him up but me also.

But i kinda got excited when I heard him say that he was the child 'daddy '
and i noticed that the child looked like him as they or she had Scarlet red wings and eye liner just like him but i hate to admit that she also looked like me.she had my skin tone color except for the burns and scars and she also had red and blonde hair.

Her name was Evie,i guess full name was 'Evie takami'.Damn birdbrain,his good at giving people names and nicknames.

Maybe we could use the child as a weakness of keigo,but.. who's the child's other parent? I'm pretty sure hawks is gay.Damn i think i may or may not be jealous but i think I could keep the child a secret to the League.

But..she also kinda looks like me the skin tone and the red hair color.. you know what yes we've been in a relation before the league knew he was a traitor and also before poor twice being murdered by him.

I guess before that we've been in a relation for 2-3months? probably 2 months and we...

*Shakes his head to forget about the thought*

Damn it i cannot know if she's also my child or not.that time was spring and also hawk's mating season.he may or may not be pregnant by me,he did say that it was a side effect of his quirk to act like a hawk.

God..i want to sleep,I'll think about it later.but if she was really my child and if he could probably let me be a part of her life then.. maybe we could be a good family just for her.and if he doesn't then..will sorry kei I'll have to take the child with and also I'll have to force you to come with me as will.

Pfft sorry not sorry if i do that cuz i am also her father and i also have the right to stay by my daughter's side.
I may be a little bit mean to keigo but it was his decision and also I'll won't let him go cuz I still love Him and the distance between us is driving me crazy.

Hawks POV:

I was awoken by Evie crying beside me.she was probably hungry so i went to the kitchen and made some milk and pour them in the bottle (🍼).

I told my assistant kath to buy some this baby stuff and she also thought me everything about how to use them.she was a mother of two children.

I went back to the bed room and tried to feed her milk but she didn't so i thought that maybe she got scared of something and i took her close to my chest and gently shook her and started humming a tune.a few seconds later i got goosebumps as i felt someone watching me but i have to calm her down first and it was 5 in the morning.

After some time I start to sing a lullaby and she slowly fall asleep and a few minutes earlier i stoped having the feeling of being watched.i gently and carefully laid Evie beside my pillow and since it was Saturday and my day off i also tried to fall asleep but my mind couldn't let go of my thoughts.it was the feeling of being watched the moment ago but soon after i put my head over the pillow i went to a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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