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Dabi's POV.

I could see that hawks was trumatized after what I have done to his wings.i kinda regret doing it but he deserved it.

"Hey no need to be shocked old friend."dabi said smiling.

Hawks POV.

"What?"I said being shocked and terrified at the same time.

I was shocked.what did he meant by 'old friend'the only friend I had in my childhood was touya.

"What the f**k do you mean by old friend?i only had one friend and he is dead!you don't even know him!"i yelled.

He looked like he was about to burn himself and me.his face having a huge grin.i some how fealed like his eyes were glowing.

That's when he said"I AM TOUYA TODOROKI."

My eyes got widen.

No one's POV.

Dabi looked at Hawks's face and then grabbed a water bottle and poured water in his head that revealed his white hair.

Hawks's eyes were watching all this scene and tears filled his eyes.

His body wasn't in a great shape so when he tried to stand up he fell.

Of course dabi catched him before he could fell.

Dabi said "you do know that you have lost your wings and your body is not in a great shape,how can you think you can stand up,birdbrain..".his face went dark after saying that.

"Will i wander who made me unable to fly for months.it could probably take a whole year!"hawks said angrily.



uthor's note:

Sorry if it was short.😓

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