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When hawks said that dabi was speechless."wha-what do you even mean by 'could even take a whole year '?!"dabi said in shock.

"The doctors said it was injured so badly that they don't even know how long it could regrow my wings."hawks said avoiding eye contact with dabi.

Dabi's POV

My eyes widened after hearing that.I slowly loosen his grip on hawks.

He looked at me and then looked down the floor and said"so why do you want to keep me captive? right now I don't know any plans that the pro's are making."

"Will i wasn't actually planning on having you captive but now that you've mentioned it i think it's a great idea "i said giving a devilish grin.

He quickly looked at me when hearing what I said.his eyes were widened.

Seeing that i laughed at how hilarious hawks face was.i said "oh I'm just joking with took it all soo seriously."

Hawks POV:

I sign in relief.i was so terrified when he said that.

Can't believe that my childhood friend and crush is the person i fear the most now.

I was tired of all this dabi being touya todoroki now yes i am happy that he is still alive but I don't know how to feel about him being a most wanted villian.

"So will you let me go or what?"i asked him.

"Oh keigo don't worry about it just think it like a vacation.i'm sure you'll enjoy it not even the lov members know about the place."dabi said.

'I don't know how to feel about it but i guess I can stay here for a while and get abit close to dabi..wait!then what about the pro heroes.aren't they gonna look for me when they find out that I'm missing?'i thought until dabi shouted my name.

"KEIGO TAKAMI!!"dabi shouted.

"God were you even listening what I said to you?"dabi said in annoying tone.

"S-sorry, what were you saying again?"i said."you should probably go to sleep its 2:56 A.M"he replied.

"Ok but whe-"i was cut out by dabi saying"no need to worry prettybird i will be sleeping on the bed with you in case you need comfort."

"No need I'm fine."i said but he didn't listen and carried me in a bride style and walked close to bed,carefully laying me down and then laid down and warped his hands around me.

"Wha-"i said but dabi hushed me and told me to go to sleep.

The wings I've lost (dabihawks/hotwings)Where stories live. Discover now