Evie Takami

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Hawks Pov.

I didn't know why but i felt strange as if someone was watching me.. perhaps it was just me overthinking but i may or may not have heard footsteps in the middle of the night.i could be hearing things but the feeling of being watched is a whole different situation.

But when the realization hit me that today i was gonna be released from the hospital I jumped in happiness.

God it felt SO good.i hated being in hospital for a few hours it felt like it was a whole year!

I snapped out of my thoughts when a beautiful nurse entered the cabin.she said "excuse me,you need to sing this papers and than you can be released from the hospital.""oh okay, may i have the pen please?"i asked in manners.she seemed to be not interested in me and i didn't also gave a damn she wasn't really my type.

After i singed up all the papers that was given to me the nurse told me with a smile on her face"thank you sir you are free to go☺️"hearing that i went to the window which was already open and i Jumped out of the window.will since my wings were already half grown to it's size I could take a flight to my apartment complex but it would take a while.

*After 30 minutes*

"Damn didn't thought this would take that long!"i said landing on my balcony."home sweet home"i said as i entered the bedroom by door.it was a mess but i could hire someone from my agency to clean this mess up.
I lazily walked up to my bed and got my shoes and mask off.it was annoying.than i fell face first on my bed bed and slowly my eye lids were growing heavy and i took a nap.

*After 3 hours*

My eyes opened as i heard my door bell ring.i got off of my bed and walked myself up to the main door and opened it i saw nothing but than i heard a baby crying noise and looked down it was a child just a month old.i looked around to find someone but the hallway was empty.

Actually when i looked at the baby they looked just like me and a hint of someone.thay had snow like skin when i picked them up i could see the details of the face.i again looked around and saw no one.my breath hitched at the thought of bringing them in side my house but i did it any way.

I sat the child in my couch and and started at them.they looked beautiful and i think it was a girl.she had messy blonde hair with a strip of red.when she opened her eyes the were megastic golden on the top but fading to ocean blue.they had hawks like eye line just like mine.i found a note and it said

"Dear hawks,

This is aizawa the underground hero.
I don't think you will remember but a few months ago we found you injured with a big egg in your hands and by what It looked like you were trying to protect it.we got you to the hospital and took the egg to our school's laboratory and tested it.what seemed like there was an actual human baby inside of it.

I know it would be shocking but when we went to the hospital to check on you and ask you about the egg it seemed like you didn't know anything.you might have been hit your head but after two months the egg hatched and a living human baby came out of it they seemed to be healthy so we tasted them a little to see If they could cause us any harm and we found out that they were a girl.she might be your child cause she looks like you.

Don't worry no harm was caused to her and the hero commission does not know and i won't tell them anything.

Be safe,

Aizawa the underground hero"

I couldn't believe what i just read.this child was mine and i didn't even know about it?! thank God aizawa didn't told the commission anything or they would have taken the child away from me.

"Will guess now i won't be so lonely anymore...this kid is mine and is my priority.I shall forever protect you till the day i die.Hmm..i should give you a name little Birdy...how about..... Evie,
Evie takami."i said naming my child.

To be continued...

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