I'm always watching you~

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So when they all found hawks they took him to a nearby hospital for a quick check up.nothing was wrong only a few scars and scratches on his wrists and ankles because of the chains.it would heal quickly by the looks of it and his wings were also in a good shape only a few more days and they will be ready for hero works.

Hawks POV:

I woke up because of the crazy light and sound of people talking.when i opened my eyes and let my eyes adjust with the light i started to notice the persons who were in the room and tears started to fall down from the corners of my eyes.

"GUYS!!"i screamed out to them.they all flinched and I think they didn't have noticed me waking up.

"HAWKS!!!"miruko screamed as she came flying towards me and hugged me tightly.

Then my eyes met with endeavor.he was concerned about my situation and he spoked out".. I'm sorry it was possibly dabi again, I'm really really sorry that my son have done this to you."

"Endeavor-san..yo-you knew?"i said as endeavor's eyes widened."wait you knew touya!?"he said in shock.

"Will yeah we were childhood best friends.untill he despaired..."i answered."will sorry if it may sound shocking to you but he never mentioned anything about a childhood best friend so that's why I asked you that question."he said avoiding eye contact."i-it's fine..!"i said giving him a comforting smile that even worked then i realized that their was a candle in the room which was lightened.my eyes turned wide as i started to trumbling a bit then my eyes met with the flame hero who was now brusting out in anger so his fist was burning.i started Trumbling really really hard .all-might noticed that and looked at the direction i was looking at.he saw endeavor and noticed his arm that was in flame.

He quickly told endeavor to calm down which he did and I relaxed aswill.he called others to a corner and whispered something to them that i couldn't hear.

All-might POV:

I noticed that hawks was terrified by something and looked at the direction he was staring at and he was looking at the direction endeavor standing and i quickly noticed that he was staring at endeavor's fist that was in flames.i got something on my mind and told endeavor to calm down and after he did i looked at hawks who also relaxed as soon as the fire was gone.

I called everyone to a corner and whispered to them what i have seen.
I told them that it may be because of him staying at that place and also getting his wings burned he may have been trumatized after that incident.

"But he was never afraid of my fire?!"said endeavor in a confused tone.

I walked close to hawks and gave him a comforting smile and said"will we'll be leaving and just in case if any thing happens this room is secured with guards guarding the doors"

"Okay..."that's all he said before he made a cocoon by his wings and covered him self up.

"Okay bye, young hawks."i said before leaving through the door.after i left all the others Finished saying their byes and came out side.i told the guards to keep Hawks safe and sound.


When they all left the hospital hawks fell deep asleep.that was the good time for the scarred villain to enter the room by window.he jumped in and quickly want to hawks and walked behind him.

He put a tracker on the back of his neck and left the room by the window.

Saying to himself "I'm always watching you~"

Bye guys ~


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