Chapter 7

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Third Person POV//this is gonna get hella interesting//

~Le Flasback~

"Dave dave! Let's go play princess and prince again!" The younger raven haired boy jumped up and down in joy. It was Johns favourite game to play. He would be the princess and Dave would be the cool ironic prince that would save John from lava. Yes, lava. The boys didn't want to be mainstream and have a dragon or goblins. They wanted lava.

"Hang on John, let me find my cape and sword!" They blond boy yelled excitedly. They boys were roughly around 6 years old. Nothing could tear them apart. When the boys were ready, they ran out the front door, so fast it would have been like Justin Bieber was chasing them. The boys hated Justin Bieber.

They reach the playground and John raced to his tower, wearing the pretty tiara dave got for him. He was in love with it. He even wanted to to take it to school however his dad thought it was too girly and didn't allow it. As we watch John, this is where the fun begins. Dave hops and jumps around, trying to avoid the lava so he couldn't die. John kept calling for help, getting extremely scared that his prince wouldn't be able to rescue him in time. How cute.

"I'm coming princess John!" Dave yelled heroically. After losing his balance a few times he finally reached John. Dave Hugged his princess tightly, happy he had finally rescued you him. Dave thought for a moment. A question arising in his head.

"John, do princesses and princes kiss?" He looked up at John in confusion. John being the dork he was giggled and nodded.

"Of course they do silly! They fall in love together!" He smiled at his bestfriend.

"Well let's try it!" Dave smiled eagerly. John was a bit taken back by this but didn't really care.

"Okay!" John giggled hopelessly. And with that, the two kissed each other, non romantically, maybe just an experiment for the both of them. The two went away giggling home. Yes I can confirm ladies and gentlemen, that was Johns and Dave's very first kiss.

-Le Time Skip to the future brought to you by; Prince Dave! Swooping men off their feet- //I don't think this actually happened I'm just making it up to fit the plot of my story. Ive read half the comic but I do know a lot about it. I'm sorry if I offend or displease anyone. I am not trying to change the story of what really happened in the comic.//

Ah yes, only a short memory here. We don't want John to remember things all at once. We need to drag the story on. Yes narrator, you are the devil itself.

So what do we have here? Oh... The game it seems. Oh how the boys despised the game. But the thing was, John wasn't even awake when this happened. Oh well. You see, it wasn't exactly a great time to find John at all. And we'll, that's just what Dave did. He found John.

It was at the worst time too. John had been bleeding a lot and Dave couldn't get there quick enough to swoop him in save him. He was trying to find dirk, but we all know that never happened. So here is Dave carrying John bridal style, running as fast as he can to try and save John. What we know, and Dave didn't, he was just running in circles. Oh the things you do for the love of your life.

"John don't die on me man I need you please don't leave me" Dave cried out. The boys were around 14 and well, John was dying.

Oh it seems we are out of time. I'll see you next time!

-Le FlashBack over-

Johns POV

I woke up to Dave lying his head on my stomach. Massive headache also. Dave shuffled slightly, then looked up at me.

"Oh my god you're awake!" He exclaimed. I held my head. Man this guy was loud.

"So it seems.. How long was I out for?" I asked quietly.

"Three days" Dave sighed quietly.

"THREE DAYS? THATS LIKE A YEAR DAVE WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP?!" I yelled. Oh my god I might actually kill the guy.

"Oh my god chill John do- wait did you call me Dave?" He looked up at me surprised.

"Well yeah. I had a few memories but they weren't anything major. Well I don't think so. We were playing princess and prince and then we kissed. And then it time hoped to the game.. What's the game?" I asked, confusion rising in my voice. Dave looked at me sadly.

"It's best if we don't get into that now" he laid back on his chair, staring up at the roof. I didnt end up answering him. If he didn't want to tell me that's fine.

"Hey John?" Dave spoke up slightly.

"Hmm?" I mumbled slightly, turning to face him.

"I love you"

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