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For SharkyOverload

-OMH xx

John's POV

The days went on and everything began to feel strange. Something wasn't right. Months have gone past and yet, the memories that returned only showed that Karkat wasn't even remotely in my life. It is as all Dave. Nothing is adding up with everything Karkat is telling me. The memories that pop up lead me to no where and I'm stuck in a rut and in all honesty- I just want Dave.

I heard Dave's situation had worsened over the months. I continue to receive phone calls from his brother, asking if i remember yet. I haven't visited Dave in over three months because i know the condition he is in, is all my fault. If only i could remember everything. I know he means  something to me, i can feel it. I am so drawn to the character that is Dave Elizabeth Strider -that's right, i remembered his full name- and i cannot for the life of me figure out why. The last thing i remember is the plane crash itself, not every detail, but i do remember parts and he was there, holding my hand. We were supposed to move to Australia, with his brother and his boyfriend- now fiancee i believe. But other than that i cant remember much. And it is bugging me so much.

So due to this dilemma, i decided that today, despite his condition, i would visit Dave.

It's probably not the best idea, considering i did this to him, however i need answers. And i feel as if he is the only the one that can give me the correct answers. Walking up to the doors of the mental hospital, i do not hesitate. I can feel his presence and it's drawing me in. I am so curious as to find out who Dave Strider is to me. Karkat doesn't know i am here. I have been avoiding him as much as possible, for i feel that he is continuously lying to me in order to keep me beside him. 

The hospital echoed with noise and nurses walked around with a smile on their face. Walking to the counter, i ask for his room number and the woman directs me to room 413. Strolling around, i see many patients walking around with joy- i wonder if Dave ever feels joy, considering his condition has gone down hill. After watching my surroundings, i find myself at Room 413, and although with my stomach flipping, I knock on the door.

His condition may have declined however it was still safe to be alone with him in a room. I was warned that he may zone out or look away smiling for no reason, but i was prepared to face these complications. Immediately after my knock, i hear a voice shout with glee and heavy footsteps run to the door. And with that, the door swung open, presenting Dave with messy, knotted hair and his gorgeous red eyes looking around. Not to my surprise, once he realise who i was, his jaw dropped and all went silent.

I didn't know what to do next. Did i talk to him as if i only saw him yesterday, or do i just stand here awkwardly? Why not both eh?

"Hey Dave!" A smile curved on my lips and i rubbed the back of my neck. I was half expecting him to close the door on me but a smirk grew on his lips and he stood against the door frame.

"You know, it's been like, two years man, you couldn't be any later" He spoke and his smirk grew wider as the flips in my stomach turned into butterflies.

"Oh Dave c'mon! It's been four months okay!" I chuckled, getting a slight De ja vu moment. This conversation has happened before.

"Oh please, it's the exact same thing" He also chuckled and pulled me into the room. Before i knew it, a memory slipped into my mind.

"Morning sleeping beauty" I giggled at the groggy Dave, waking up on my chest.

"Shut up. Best sleep ever" He chuckled into my chest, hugging me closer as he began to slowly wake up.

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