Chapter 10

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Jenna's Pov:
(7:15 am)
my eyes shook open as i was sleeping causing me to wake up with worry, i sat up on my bed looking around the room, then at the time, why am i up so early on a Saturday?, i decided to start my day then, cause there was no point in falling back asleep, especially if it meant dreaming about that certain someone, i got up and walked to my bathroom grabbing towels and clean clothes, i set my stuff down on the toilet lid and took a good look at myself in the mirror

i examined my face, my freckles, my black eyes, and the dark circles i have, which reminds me of them, ew, i looked at the mirror when i watched as my expressions changed with my thoughts, at first i was blushing of course, then frowning, this got old pretty quick, so i slid my clothes right off my body kicking them to the side, as i continued to check the water temperature i turned around and took one last good look at myself i'm the mirror

looking at myself naked, observing every detail on my body, and liking it, i felt a smile come up on my face, and my confidence go up a notch, and for some odd reason i thought about him too, i don't know where he's related in all of this but i quickly blinked at the thought of him and stepped into the shower, i felt.. vulnerable, i was rubbing my body with soap and some conditioner in my hair, i felt relaxed but.. i wanted something more

i caught up to reality when i realized i'm turned on, i smiled at the moment thinking about the pleasure i was gonna receive if i went through with this, i looked down at myself focusing on my female parts while rubbing the back of my neck with one hand and my inner thighs with the other, which made me even more intrigued, a small but heavy sigh left my lips, i can't do this anymore, i sat down in the corner and opened my legs widely, i slowly let my fingers explore my lower lips, and in between them

i started breathing very loudly, and feeling the pressure since it's a sensitive area, my middle finger was traveling up and down my crease, i let it go down again and stopped at my entrance, i inserted a finger inside of me letting a loud moan escape my mouth, i kept teasing myself and rubbing my clit with the other hand, i was whimpering and my eyes were sealed shut, as soon as i decided to go faster a very unexpected image popped in my head, Leo.

i pulled my one hand up and away from me and the other jerked back from inside of me, i stood up with my eyes wide open in shock, i turned the water off and stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel and completely covering my body walking out of that room, i sat down on my bed looking at the wall across me, there is no fucking way that happened, this is so engrossing, i sighed and dropped my head into my palms, i was about to cry from the disgust

i spasmed myself out of that mindset and got up to change, i looked at the time "9:00 am" how long was i in there for? i got dressed and semi dried my hair, i ran downstairs and grabbed some breakfast, there was a beautiful day out, the sun was bright, the sky was clear with a few white fluffy clouds, and everything was glistening outside, i tilted my head debating whether i would go for a walk or not, "Jenna can you run by the store, or do you have plans?" my mom requested from the kitchen, and there was my excuse to go out

i put my shoes on grabbed my bag and sunglasses, then took off, i decided to go to the store that was one street down from mine, i was enjoying my walk down the sidewalk, when a sudden honk came from beside me scaring the shit out me, "girl what the fuck?" i shouted nearly pissing myself,

"where are you goin looking like a bacon sizzling under the sun?" Alana playfully flirted while bitting her bottom lip, "to the store bitch, where are u off to?" i answered but questioned her back, "oh i'm just going for a ride" she nodded, her expression immediately switching, hinting something was off

"oh yea? are you going down this road then?" i pondered while fixing my posture and crossing my arms with one eyebrow raised, taking a sexy stance, "don't do me like that Jenna" Alana begged while checking me out, "yes i am now get your hot ass in this car" she demanded while i giggled, she seemed mesmeric over me, yet again Alana gets horny easily. As we reached our destination Alana parked her barbie car and we both made our ways to the stores entrance, "did you have sex?" Alana whispered with a smirk as we walked in "no what the fuck" i was immediately grossed out, no one had ever touched me

"you look different, and more confident" she stared me down with her top eyes, i smiled and took a step closer when i lowered my tone, "i fucked myself in the shower" i stared up at her with my bottom eyes while smirking, i left her stranded in the middle of isle 3 with her jaw hanging loose and her face red, i love this bitch, i gathered everything i needed, while of course making a mess everywhere me and Alana went, she grabbed a few things too and we headed for the check out

"i'm paying" she insisted with a serious look, "you can forget about that" i sassed, "you know i can pick you up with one hand right?" she waved her finger in my face, "ok fine but you will have to tell me the real reason why you were strolling around my neighborhood" i sarcastically smiled with my eyebrows raised, i was honestly enjoying this, she sighed then nodded.

We loaded our stuff in the car and proceeded to enter, "i'm going to see someone" Alana spat out while fixing her lipstick in the mirror, "you have a date?" i exclaimed, "well kinda, yea" she carelessly said, i was confused, "who is it?" i asked dying to know, "none of your business" she shot back while starting the car

We had almost arrived at my house when i couldn't hold it in anymore "please tell me" i pouted, "no bitch stop being nosy, and since we here get your shit and be ready by 6 when ill be coming over" she gave me a small but irritating smile while she handed me my stuff so i can go home, i exhaled loudly while giving her a mean look,

i opened the car door and jumped out, i am so short that my feet don't reach the ground from her gigantic jeep, i looked up and inside at her and flipped her off before slamming the door, she blew me a kiss and drove off, i'll get her to tell me, but as of now i need to find an outfit, no i don't I'm just gonna wear sweatpants, I'm not trying to impress anyone, right?

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now