Chapter 83

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Chance's Pov:

I told Leo I was gonna go down to Jessica's room. I wanted to be confident about this situation... When Jess mentioned she would go with me before laying a finger on Jason it surprised me. A girl has never said anything like that about me.

I was very stressed, my heart was plummeting and I was starting to lose track of time. I had enough fearlessness to stand up to a frat boy. I should have just enough to face a girl that I think I really like. I finally reached her door, looking at it right now makes me sweat.

I took 3 deep breaths in, then ran my fingers through my curly hair to fix myself up as much as I could. I was trying to prepare my speech, or at least have my words in order. This was causing me to overthink. I blinked at this and decided I should just go with the flow. Be me.

I quickly drummed my knuckles against the wood. Then I started to chew on my nails and bounce on my toes. I discarded these nervous ticks, which made me look ultimately unattractive. The moment I was waiting for had anchored, the door slowly opened up to reveal the gorgeous girl standing behind it.

"Hi" she grinned. Her teeth sparkled, as her voice found its way into my ears, soothing me. That provoked me to smile shyly while feeling my face get warm. "Hello..." I waved, almost choking from the beauty that has struck my eyes. She was glowing. Her wonderful golden hair along with her perfect face, was making me fall.

"There's no good excuse as to why I'm here, to be honest" I apprehensively chuckled. She giggled at my statement and that sweet sound of her little laughs tickled my brain just the right way. This girl is perfect. "Do you wanna come in?" she politely invited, stepping to the side.

I bobbed my head, feeling delighted that I even got this far. Normally I would just bail before even knocking on the door. But knowing there is a potential mutuality with this stunning girl... I just can't let that fly away. Even if I get rejected, I'll know that at least I tried. I walked in as butterflies started to rummage in my stomach.

"Have a seat" She patted down beside her on the mattress, after sitting down on her bed. I awkwardly smiled while leaning down to sit. "Tell me" she inquired, I gulped before speaking. And at that moment I realized, all the time I spent in front of the mirror rehearsing my lines. Was a total waste.

I forgot everything I planned to discuss. But frankly, that's ok. Because I need to learn to be brave, and how to talk to women without having to strategize my every phrase. "Well..." I started, being unable to make eye contact. "First of all how are you" I lisped while glancing at her, she smiled at me.

"I'm good... Better now that you're here. How about you?" she cheerfully answered. I widely grinned at her comment about my arrival. "I too am much better now that I'm seeing you..." I almost stuttered out of joy. I noticed that I might be acting like a happy little kid at the moment.

Honestly though... That's fine. Because if this is gonna go anywhere, she's gonna need to see the real me. I shouldn't portray myself as someone else, even if that means slight changes. "Uhm anyway..." I cleared my throat shifting my eyes away once again. "I just wanted to talk to you, about this morning..." I continued into detail.

She nodded along, displaying a very concentrated face. "I- I've never been so bold, in my life. Not even for myself.." my voice started to tremble as I explained. Jessica reached her hand out to mine. And rested her palm on top of my hand that touched the mattress.

I quickly picked up on this sense. My heart skipped a beat while my face flushed. "Erm. What I'm trying to say is- When I saw Jason bothering you guys... I got very aggravated. Because I know- what it feels like." I struggled to word this. It was bringing back horrible memories from when I was younger.

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now