Chapter 47

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Jenna's Pov:
(9:30 pm)

We walked out of the bathroom, both grinning from ear to ear, Leo less than me of course, we exited holding hands then stood in front of the door, we looked at each other with our huge grins, Leo rubbed the top of my hand with their thumb, then let my hand fall to my side as we walked off in opposite directions..

That kiss was something else.. I haven't kissed anyone since spin the bottle in 6th grade, and by the time i was in 9th i thought i was aromantic and asexual, but Leo showed me differently.. I have never had the urge or desire to touch someone either it's sexual or not, i've never wanted to kiss someone, or let them.. Fuck me.

I always stayed away from relationships and always picked my friends.. I'm very picky and weird when it comes to socializing, and i'm also judgmental and mean, i'm not the best to be around. However, despite my lack of affection, and kindness, Leo stuck around, and i don't know if he saw bits of himself in me, or if they actually are attracted to me..

It's safe to say there is attraction from their side, otherwise why do the things he did in the bathroom? And i still cannot believe they got me horny enough to moan in their mouth.. But it looked like he enjoyed that.. Maybe she knows what she's doing, but she's a virgin? At least that's what niki told me.. Plus i feel way more comfortable discussing my feelings now.. And actually confessing,

Leo's Pov:

I was skipping off, looking around for Chance, i was so happy and the adrenaline rush had hit me, i was acting like a five year old that ate too much sugar.. As i was speed walking down the airport reaching my gate, i was of course stuck on our kiss.. I've never kissed anyone before, so i hope it was nice for Jenna, cause for me.. For me it woke up feelings that were buried a long time ago.

I didn't know it was possible, and i had no idea i would ever feel anything that involves romance, or want to do anything in that matter. I was dozing off and practically drooling over the make out session, thinking about things i can add to it when it happens again.. I suddenly bumped into one of Jenna's friends, i think her name is Jessie?

"i'm so sorry i wasn't paying attention" i reset my face to numb, while taking a step back as she nervously ducked behind her to grab something off the floor, and when she stood up.. Right before shoving it in her bag.. I caught a glimpse of it, she stared at me wide eyed, with a helpless look in her eyes, as she silently panicked, "please don't tell Jenna" she begged almost sobbing,

I threw my hands out, raising my eyebrows, and widening my eyes, "no! No i wouldn't it's not my place to.." i assured, while taking a step forward, she had started to cry, rapidly wiping tears away, i looked down at her bag once i got closer.. And saw the item again.. It was a pregnancy test.. I sighed through my nostrils, and shut my eyes while setting my lips on a hard line,

I opened my eyes blinking, then placed my hand on the top of her back, and subtly tapped it, "it's alright you shouldn't be ashamed" i comforted her, in that moment i thought when did i become so soft, i mentally cringed at myself, when Jessie looked up at me with tears, "i know it's just that i'm so scared.. And i haven't told Ria or Jenna yet and i don't know how to tell them" she started to babble,

She looked frightened almost shaking.. "Can i suggest something?" i put out silently leaning closer, she wiped her last tear then sniffed, as she turned serious, "did you pay for that?" i quietly questioned pointing at the test in her bag, she nodded seeming embarrassed, i gave a firm nod, "where did you get it from?" i asked with a brow raised, she looked at her feet, then gulped looking at me, "seven eleven.." she muttered,

My eyebrows twitched, "i can get you something better than that, with the same price.." i suggested, holding my palm out, "i'll return it and come back with an upgrade" i slightly joked with a little smile, she gave a sad smile, while handing me the test and the receipt, i shoved both in my pocket so no one could see, then walked off looking for seven eleven.. After just a few minutes of walking around i found it,

I entered in a rush and went up to the cashier, "i would like to return this.." i threw the box on the counter without making eye contact, speaking as numbly as i knew how, the guy cringed at me, "you're not the girl from before.." he said while taking the test and throwing it in a box behind him, "no shit" i hissed shooting a mean look at him,

he stepped back while raising his hands, then proceeded to hand me the money back, "it's not my fault you got her pregnant" he rudely told me, while i handed him the receipt, "you might wanna check on your mom after this.." i warned, with a straight face, snatching the cash and walking off to the nearest pharmacy, the guy was stranded, blankly staring at nothing..

I reached the pharmacy, walking up to the cashier, "hi i would like the 'First response' pregnancy test please" i politely asked, while handing her the money i got from that other pimp, she smiled turning around to grab a box from the shelves, then twirling back around to hand it to me, i added an extra 10 bucks to the cash i gave her, cause i knew it wasn't gonna be enough,

"Thank you! Have a nice flight!" the woman behind the counter exclaimed, i flashed a fake smile, then took off. After 5 or 6 minutes of walking back i found Jessie sitting on one of the benches, her hand was in a fist placed under her chin to hold her head up, her legs were crossed and she was staring at the floor sighing, i calmly walked up to her, then she noticed me from the corner of her eye and stood up,

"didn't take you long" she spoke looking to the side, i subtly nodded then shoved the test in her bag, "same price just better" i informed with a little smile, she peeked inside the bag then her eyebrows shot up, "this looks legit" she commented while nodding, then looking at me, "how do you know about this stuff..?" she pondered, "my sisters getting them all the time.." i answered, "ooohh" she widened her eyes, then nodded,

"well thank you, when i tell Jenna about this i'll be sure to let her know of your kind actions.. I'm happy she found someone like you" she smiled softly, examining me before turning around to walk away, i stood there feeling flabbergasted, i sort of smiled to my self before continuing to look for Chance. I decided to call..

(on call)

Chance- Hey bud! (he grinned)

Leo- Hey where are you

Chance- Perfume shop! Oh and i've got your stuff (he smiled)

Leo- Ok i'll be over in a bit

I hung up then made my way to the perfume shop..

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now