Chapter 17

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Jenna's Pov:
(10:45 am)
the sun was shining through his blue curtains as i placed the pictures in order on his bed, i wrote some notes behind them and started to design our board, Leo was awfully quiet, they looked busy, and he was focused on typing, at least he's a good partner to work with after all, i didn't like the tension in the room though, i decided to strike up a platonic conversation, "how many pages have you done?" i asked without looking at them, "5" he answered without turning around "damn you're almost half way done?" i acknowledged while slightly raising my eyebrows in shock,

"this is gonna be over sooner than i thought" i added, still not looking, he quickly spun on his chair, while placing his elbows against his knees and balling his hands up intertwining his fingers, he slowly tilted his head down and looked at me.. i'm not ok right now, "well maybe i should type slower?" he muttered, i started to slowly sit up from laying on my stomach, i let my legs hang on the edge of their bed facing them, i was getting way too many feelings in my body, "do you not want this to be over soon?" i asked while trying to breath, "i don't mind" they replied,

"cool me neither" i shrugged seeming unbothered, but i was 100% bothered, he started to roll over to me on his chair, i opened my legs, and they stopped when they hit the bed in between my thighs, i looked down in shock, with my lips parted, and back up into their eyes, "let me see what you have done so far with the board" he requested, "you first" i sighed feeling the blood rush to my face, i don't know why i said that, "you wanna see what i've written?" he was confused "mhm" i gulped trying to gather my breathing, my nipples started to show again

Leo's Pov:
yes i was teasing her. No i'm not a player, and yes maybe i do find her attractive, is there something here? I have no fucking idea, do i want a relationship with this person? I don't want a relationship period, because i'm insecure, and not ready, but i've always believed in the theory of letting someone change your mind, and letting them along with yourself fall in love, i don't really know why i'm doing this, am i interested? I really don't wanna be right now.. plus the fact she's getting nervous is making me nervous, cause i can't actually believe Jenna would let me get this close, and that i would affect her breathing..

I noticed her nipples through my shirt she was wearing, my eyes slightly widened at the sight, causing me to brake eye contact, i was starting to get anxious myself "why" i asked staring at her thighs "i don't know" she responded while her chest was moving up and down, we were very close to each other, there wasn't much distance at all, so i did something i never thought i would do, i looked back up at her, my cheeks surely a shade of red, and i grabbed her arm, the one she was using to hold her body up, which cause me to get even closer, i was now staring at her lips, "Leo" she whispered almost losing her breath, the tension is insane right now, "Jenna" i whispered back, letting my breath brush against her beautiful lips

Jenna's Pov:
i'm fucked up, honestly i never thought i'd be in this situation, simply because i never allowed it, but not only is this actually happening, i like it too.. They had just grabbed my arm, falling closer to my face, and my way of breathing had been rearranged like 10 times, i don't know why but i was ready to.. give in? Ew omg, i felt butterflies, i felt tingles, i think i even felt.. turned on? which is disgusting as fuck, how is he doing this, why is he doing this, why do i want this..

Nobodies Pov:
"Do y'all want breakfast!?" Niki yelped from downstairs, causing Leo to sit up straight, and Jenna to close her legs after Leo pushed himself back on the chair, they looked at each other, both pale faced with rosy cheeks, and wide eyes, they were inhaling and exhaling like they had just ran miles, "you hungry?" Leo mumbled under their breath, "i could eat" Jenna shrugged while nodding and taking sharp breaths, she cleared her throat and looked away to scratch the back of her neck, she was acting weird alright, Leo saw that and rolled towards her again, but not as close this time, "sure Nik" Leo slightly raised his voice, just enough to be heard by their sister,

"you ok?" Leo worried, so much for not being protective anymore.."Yea why?" Jenna brushed it off as much as she could, but her face remained red and her breathing had yet to settle down completely, "you're just.. tense, that's all" Leo explained with a straight face, "you're too close" Jenna admitted while gulping  "i'm sorry" Leo rapidly pushed herself away not wanting to bring Jenna any sort of discomfort, Jenna threw her upper body forward and grabbed the arm of Leo's chair "i never said it bothered me.." she assured with a scared look

Jenna's Pov:
What the fuck am i doing! What the fuck am i saying!!? This is so out of line, Leo will never be any sort of interest in my eyes, and here i am telling them to come back!? omg Jenna wake up! "i don't wanna make you uncomfortable" they quickly stated while slightly gulping "your not" i reassured while letting go of that fucking chair, "here y'all go" Niki busted through the door leaving our plates on the dresser, "thanks" Leo nodded, "thank you Nik" i turned to face the girl with a smile, "you're welcome sweetie, as for you Leo you can choke" she winked with a smile, i like her

Leo's Pov:
was Jenna comfortable with had just went down? Maybe.. But was she into it? God why do i care, she's so pretty she could never look at me, she must be blinded by her own damn beauty, i'm not doing this dating shit either, i don't need it, Nik had gave as two plates with eggs, toasts, and bacon, Jenna stood up and brought the plates back to us while she started munching on hers, she was eating so elegantly, which meant it was time for me to look the fuck away from her, staring at her when she eats? Seriously Leo?

Jenna's Pov:
Leo turned around and went back to his desk, dropping the plate of food next to him and shortly begin typing, did i upset them somehow? So what if i did anyway? I continued eating when a thought had started to concern me, why wont he eat? Are they shy? or do they not eat in general? I don't think so from the way i saw their body earlier- omg no Jenna don't think about that! It's gonna be a little hard not to think about, but still that's gross, anyway i don't think they don't eat, they seemed, you know.. I almost choked on my fucking food, there's no way i can not sexualize this, goddamn you Leo..

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now