Chapter 11

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Jenna's Pov:
(5:30 pm)
i have half an hour to decide if i'm gonna be homeless or fierce before Alana shows up, i look at my closet as my eyes gaze left and right, i wanna look pretty but i don't want to seem like i'm trying to get his attention, cause i'm not, i'm not even going for them, times ticks and i settle upon an outfit, definitely not homeless looking, and maybe too good for this occasion, a white button up, black tie, black skirt, it made my ass look great by the way

i stared at myself in my big mirror, i started to smile loving the sight, i twirled around once and i was convinced this is what i wanted, i knew i was a bit over dressed but i liked it, i didn't wanna put any makeup on so i skipped that part and started to collect my things in my bag, i heard 3 soft knocks on my door, "come in!" i allowed, "hey you ready?" Alana wondered while slightly opening my door "yea i was just grabbing my stuff-" i began to say when i turned around and she was standing right in-front of me, eyeing me from above

"woah, what's going on?" i chuckled nervously, she was really close and at some point i thought she would've lifted me and slammed me on the bed, i took a step back and actually looked at her face, "hey what's wrong?" i was now worried while furrowing my eyebrows when i noticed she had a sad expression on her face, "nothing, i know you hate makeup but a little concealer-" she avoided and started ranting, "Alana" i blurted, "what" she sighed, i stared at her in annoyance

"promise i'll tell you in the car but right now we have 10 minutes, can i please put some concealer under your eyes and a little blush?" she recommended, "sure" i look to the side while letting a small breath out through my nose, she put concealer and blush on my face, a little bit since she knows i'm not into makeup, it looked natural which i really liked, and then she took her mascara out and gave extra volume to my eyelashes, which also looked very good, i was happy with the results

We were now in the car driving down to the school, "she was a bitch" Alana started under her breath with a hint of remorse in her voice, "who?" i asked with an anxious tone, "she wanted sex Jenna" Alana sniffled, "What! who?" i shouted while shifting in my seat, i was pissed, "my date, you don't know them for real, but they just wanted sex and.." She shakily exhaled, and took a deep breath in, "i denied" she exhaled once again in relief, "omg thank god!" i let a heavy breath out while falling back into my seat after my body had stiffed up

"i'm gonna kill her" i stated with a straight face, cause i would, "go ahead" Alana giggled evilly, "can i ask you something though?" i pondered, Alana gave a firm nod, "why are you going on a date when you clearly got pissed over Ria's interaction with that duck face looking bitch?" i interrogated,

Alana's expression shifted to guilty, "well when we discussed some things, she told me i should go on a date, and if i still preferred her over the date then.." she dragged, "then what.." i expanded my eyes, "then it's none of your business!" Alana yelped, then chuckled, i sighed and let my muscles relax, from being tensed up.

we pulled up into the schools parking lot, after we had exited the car we walked down towards the decks slowly noticing people gather and take their seats, i peeked at the time "6:10 pm" 50 minutes till they start, i wonder what he looks like in the uniform, i heard it hugs his body and it's tight.. i'm gonna throw up

i snapped out of it once i saw my girls "you dirty whore! you came?" Jess yelped with a huge smile showing off her straight teeth, "i told you i would for the company" i rolled my eyes with a tiny smile in the corner of my lips, Ria ran straight up to me and tackled me into a hug, "you look like a damn snack, what's all of this for??" Ria complemented with a duchy smile, "i wanted to look pretty, for myself you know" i winked with an even bigger smile, Ria laughed then turned to drop a heavy look at Alana, admiring her as always

"and hello to this beautiful lady, how are you?" Ria flirted with a little charm, "good you" Alana gave a sugar sweet smile while greeting her, i walked passed them and turned to look at Alana wiggling my eyebrows while she widened her eyes at me, i took a seat next to Jess, "45 more minutes, do you wanna get some popcorn or a soda?" she asked, "no thanks" i replied unbothered, Jess had left to go get what she needed meanwhile Ria was very mad while talking to Alana, i figured she told her about her date,

i was scrolling through my phone and at some point i took a look at the top corner where the time was "6:50 pm" there go the butterflies and he's nowhere in sight too, this is getting worse, i could see the boats with 4 seats each lined up one next to each other, there were 3 boats "The snakes" which was the green team "The fire breathers" the red team "The ravens" the blue team, Leo's team, as i was going over the teams in my head the rowers started to show up with their equipment (the paddles) in one hand and their bag in the other

They were all wearing jackets with the colors of their team and as soon as they finished setting up their paddles they would unzip their jacket and toss it into their bag, Leo was still locking his paddle into place, we were sitting in the second row so i could see his face clearly from here and he seemed a little skeptical, i mean damn they had an expression on their face? why would i care about that anyway, they then stood up after tightening her paddle to the boat and started to unzip their blue jacket

what in the actual fuck, my eyes were pinned on her and i didn't even think about how "disgusting" this is, i was genuinely shocked, their arms were toned.. They had some slight muscle on their back.. no abs which is a plus in my book, and no chest? boobs were nowhere to be found, but then again no male parts sticking out of the pants either? I quickly gave a "girl do you see what i'm seeing" glance at Alana and she nodded with a dumb smile, Jess nudged me with a laugh as i had dozed off staring at them

I was in pure disbelief, that uniform made Leo look.. seductive? All the players took their seats in the boats, Leo was in the back seat which meant he had the responsibility for direction of travel, without her they wouldn't know where they're going, Leo wrapped a bandage around her palms twice, as she was seated and settled i noticed that the burnt side of his face was facing the audience, i took a good second looking at his scar, why is it so engaging? Why is he so engaging? As i had burned my eyes into their skin they sighed and slightly turned their head towards the audience,

he noticed me and stared right back at me the same way i was, call me crazy but i think i noticed a little smirk form on his face which made me smile a little for some reason, my face was so hot from blushing and my hands were sweaty, my knees were slightly shaking and my body was stuck in the same position, a loud horn blasted through the crowd letting the players now they could begin the match, Leo made his first row, extending his arms showing of the detail in his small muscles, pushing the paddles forward with force, digging them into the water then pulling back to get the boat moving and synchronize with the others, my lips slightly parted at the sight while my eyes felt narrowed, i was feeling something, something i didn't want to feel

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now