Chapter 8

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Jenna's Pov:
(1:47 pm)
It's been 5 minutes since the teacher had shared with some students from the Alchemy class who they will be paired up with for a project, and i'm sitting here thinking, how the hell am i supposed to do this? First off i don't wanna get any closer than i already have, he already held my hand, what's next? Throwing me on the bed?

And the fact that this doesn't sound that bad is disgusting cause i would never.. Second, how are we gonna communicate? do they even have a damn phone? or are they too "chill" for that? Third and final, i have no clue how we're gonna work together, do we think alike? or are do we have completely opposite mindsets and gonna end up killing each other?

At some point i thought of requesting a change of partner from my teacher, but that would be frowned upon, besides who is he to make me overthink so much? No i'll do this, i'll do the project with him to prove to the girls and myself i definitely don't have a "thing" for them, i haven't had a love interest since middle school there's no way i have one now, that's gross, the only thing left now is to find him and get his number, wait no that's gonna give her the wrong impression, omg so what if it does, i don't care anymore

the bell rang and i started gathering my stuff, where would he be right now, probably at some underground ritual summoning the demons to his honor, i wouldn't be surprised, i start walking down the hall, i check the library, not here, i checked the chess club, thank god not here, i checked the lounge, not in there either, i never would've thought that i'm chasing a person around school, i'm cringing at the thought,

as i kept walking down the hall looking out the window where he might be outside i remember something "rowing.." i whispered to my self and took a rough turn making my way towards the lake, i had finally arrived on one of the decks when i looked over the water and no one was there.

Leo's Pov:
i was packing my rowing uniform after i got done shining my paddle, i zipped my bag and took a step out of the boat garage, i saw a small girl walk around one of the decks looking over the water, "Jenna?" i called without raising my voice, she heard me and turned to look at me as her eyes immediately attached to me, she had her hand above her eyebrows to block the sun, her white top was glowing in the sun light and her dark skin looked smooth

Jenna's Pov:
fucking finally, "Hey! do you have a sec?" i shouted over the water while he stood there like a weirdo that he is and just nodded, i rushed over to them slightly panting, "did miss Warners notify you were working together?" i asked gathering myself, "yea" she approved,

"and why didn't you look for me so we can communicate on how we're gonna do this" i growled, is she brainless or something? "when did u get notified" he asked rather than answering me "like 20 minutes ago" i told them with an annoyed look

"when u stormed out of class she had announced it.. isn't that why you left?" she quietly asked with a straight face, "what no i-" i quickly understood what he had thought of me, i felt bad for some reason "no that's not it, i didn't even hear her i was in my own thoughts" i explained now turning red and looking straight down at the wooden deck,

she thought i didn't wanna work with her so much that i ran out of class.. "alright, what do you need from me" they continued so we can settle on how we're gonna handle this, "your number, a place, and time" i was straight forward to business and nothing more

"my place at 5, any day you like except for tomorrow" he listed, "yea cause u have your competition" i added while rubbing the tip of my shoe against the wood, my eyes shot open in realization of what i had just said, well done to keeping it just professional Jenna, "yea" she slightly scoffed, new expression unlocked i guess although it was the tiniest bit of effort, not that i care, i shook the thought out my head while he reached into their bag and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen,

i was looking her up and down slightly cringing at how i could find any of this appealing, not that i did, "turn around" they said casually "uh ok" i took a breath in while spinning around my back now facing him, i felt them softly place the paper on my back, along with the pen gliding from my right shoulder blade to the left as she wrote down her number, he had lightly scooted my hair out of the way and placed it in-front of my left shoulder for me,

"there" he clicked the pen and i turned around looking up at them, noticing those tired eyes and his burn scar when he slightly turned to the right, he handed me the piece of paper with his number on it and his name under it "Leonard" it wrote, does he not enjoy being called Leo? "thanks Leo" i displayed a soft smile on my lips as i walked away, yes i wanted to tease him, which is beyond sickening of me to do, i made my way to the parking lot, my eyes quickly caught Alana's pink jeep but she was nowhere near it? I approached a bit more when i saw her red hair through the back window,

i slowly moved towards her when she noticed me, "Hey love ready to get going?" she smirked, "were you waiting for me?" i exclaimed, "yes but i did have a chat with Ria while waiting" she confessed, "now that explains it" i chuckled with my eyebrows raised, she blushed while we both entered the car, she was now driving me home,

"so what did you guys talk about" i started while looking down at my thighs, "oh nothing it was just Ria trying to flirt with me and compliment me" Alana bragged, "oh damn ok how did you deal with that?" i was interested, with a little smirk on my face, i'm sure they have a thing for each other, "oh i played it hard to get you know me Jen" she laughed while i smiled looking out the window as we arrived outside my house

"thank you for the ride hun" i thanked her with a huge smile and she nodded but before i could shut the door she pointed at me with a serious look on her face, "tomorrow.. bitch, i'm coming over, the match starts at 7 i already paid for you ticket and i'll be here by 6, got it?" she put out with a serious tone giving me no choice but to go along with it, "yes.. Ok" i nodded with my lips sealed tightly, she then drove off and i entered my house climbing up the stairs to get to my room, why am i even going to that stupid competition it's completely pointless..

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now