Chapter 27

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Leo's Pov:
there was a sex scene in the middle of the movie, me and Jenna were taking double looks at each other, i was feeling a little uncomfortable, not only because I'm in a room full of people watching porn, but also because i wanted to do those things... I couldn't take this anymore, i didn't wanna think like this so i grabbed Jenna's hand, which was resting on the armchair, and stared her down, i don't why i looked at her so intensely, but in that moment i couldn't think straight, she did the same holding our eye contact, she looked so pretty, her beautiful skin, those freckles, and glowing hair, i stared into her eyes that were full of lust, this woman...

At some point the moaning from the movie got louder, causing Jenna to shyly look away, she blushed, i didn't want this to end, i wanted to live in that moment a little bit more, that moment when everyone disappears and it's just me and her, i placed my hand on the side of her cheek, and slowly pulled her head back meeting my eyes, this time she was way more into it, and i was way closer, this was getting more intense, to the point where our breathing got faster and heavier, i noticed a sudden movement from her side, was she leaning in? And if so did she want to whisper something to me? Kiss me on the cheek? On the lips!?

I couldn't figure out her intentions, but mine were to attach my lips to hers, i don't know why, but i just wanted to, she looked so swept away by my eyes. but then again so was i, as she was getting closer to my face, i started to feel butterflies, it was about to happen... I was ready and excited, so many emotions, i shut my eyes and leaned in, right before her lips could fall on mine, right before i could taste her, right before i could feel those soft pink lips, we heard a stomp behind us that shook us both, "sup love birds" Niki smiled while teasing us, what the fuck Nik, Jenna turned and smiled, while looking up at her, "we were looking for you" Jenna whispered, slightly pushing herself up off her seat, to reach Nik

Our hands were still together, holding one another, and in the corner of my eye i saw Vee smirking at me, i subtly smiled while turning red, and looked down, "Oh sweetheart there was no need, we were just messing around with Veronica" Niki assured with a wink, Jenna nodded and sat back down looking forward, still not letting go of me.

Jenna's Pov:
We were about to kiss but his sister interrupted us, I'm not mad about it or annoyed, it was just a bit of a throw-off, and honestly, we mustn't. i don't wanna get attached, or look at Leo this way, yes they're attractive, and i might be into their character, but they're a good friend, and i wanna have a sweet platonic relationship with her, i know every time we're in the same area, there's this insane amount of sexual tension between us, but still i guess it's just enthusiasm or hormones, two teenagers left alone in a room, the one thinking that the other is hot. If he even thinks about me like that, i doubt they do

Anyway, after all of that overthinking, the movie ended, the credits were rolling by, i looked over to him, and our hands were still interlocked, how long have we been like that? I pulled away somewhat fast and stood up, he turned and looked up at me with innocent eyes, as i got up i peeked behind me, observing them, and i felt bad, "come on let's go" i sweetly implied, i didn't wanna hurt him, i told his sister that i wouldn't, in whatever way that meant. We made our way to Veronica's car, the movie was... I don't know i wasn't paying attention, as we exited i hoped to god we didn't run into Claire, but why should i care anyway?

Leo's Pov:
Jenna must've regretted leaning in. And to be honest, i don't blame her, things would have gotten very complicated if we kissed, so maybe we shouldn't, and let's not forget I'm not a relationship or romance kind of person, although i might be sweet towards Jenna, and somehow act like boyfriend material, I'm not like that, i never was, I'm cold, and expressive-less, i don't give anything, i never have, we entered Vee's car and i sat in the back with Jenna again, this time we kept a little distance but we were still comfortable with each other,

Jenna's Pov:
We pulled up to my house, and as we were in the car, on the way home, we listened to music and Niki sang with Veronica, Leo was looking out the window, he hadn't glanced at me once the whole ride, i started to get a little worried, did i upset them? I mean i was trying to keep my distance, but that doesn't mean i don't want them close to me... Which makes no sense, i got out of the car, and as i was walking to my front door, i turned to look at them, the car had already started but i still caught a glimpse, their expression was the same as always, expressionless. And yet again he didn't look at me, he didn't even say goodnight, Nik and Veronica did though,

I walked inside and greeted my family, then rushed up the stairs, my sister Aliyah stopped me halfway, "What are you wearing you look good" she smiled with a happy pitch in her voice, "Leo's sister gave them to me.." i replied while rubbing my eyes, completely uninterested in this conversation, "oh cool" she commented while checking me out, with a curious look, "so who is that?" she asked, she was being nosy, "a friend" i muttered and sighed in frustration, i stomped up the rest of the stairs, i hate when they ask, not because it hurts me if they think we're together, i don't care about that, it just gets on my nerves cause, i don't even know what we are.

As soon as i entered my room i got a change of clothes and headed to the bathroom, i took Niki's clothes off and threw them in the laundry basket, just as i did my phone vibrated, i glanced at the screen, unwilling to pick it up when i saw his name...

Leo- you're clothes are washed

I jumped from the mat and snatched my phone off the counter,

Jenna- thank you

What was that why am i being so dry, i started to type again, but then i didn't want to double-text. No way I'm doing that

Leo- no problem

What the fuck am i supposed to say to that, should i ask them about the movie? Not that we watched it we were just staring at each other the whole time... Should i ask about that?

Jenna- thank you for the movie

Leo- sure, we should do it
again sometime

Alright, i didn't expect that. I know had an excuse to continue the conversation, i need to chill though, i was being distant, and now I'm practically searching for a reason to talk to them

Jenna- ofc i really enjoyed it

Leo- same :)

Jenna- not only the movie...

I cannot believe myself, i am sending so many mixed signals to this person's head, then again i have mixed signals in my head, do i like him? Do i want him to fuck me? What do i want? I have no idea, but i don't wanna come off as a player,

Leo- safe to say that i feel
the same way...

Oh. My. Fucking. God... holy shit, i sat on the lid of my toilet, as i tried to wrap my head around this text. My palms were sweating, and my whole body was getting hot, i felt heat rush to my face, and i trembled in disbelief, i was staring at my phone trying to breathe. They mean what i think they do right? There's no way Leo's just fucking saying that... You know what fuck this shower for now

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now