Chapter 12

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Jenna's Pov:
(7:10 am)
The competition had begun and the red team was in front with Leo's team following right behind, they were aggressively paddling to the small mountain across the lake, Leo was turning his head every 2 seconds to fix the direction of the boat they were rowing in, as much as i wouldn't want to i was in fact staring at them,

practically drooling, ew, i tried to look away and chat with my girls when Claire had shown up, "oh this is hot as fuck" Claire exclaimed and started to smirk, wanting to fuck every player on the boat, i cringed and so did Ria, Alana was staring at her and smiling while playing with her hair, i know she likes her

(7:45 pm)
i started a conversation to get my mind off Leo, we were laughing and teasing each other, especially Alana and Ria which were now cuddling each other up, some boys came to sit in-front of us and swiftly turned to look at us, "sup girls" a scrunchy boy flirted

"hey how are you" Claire lurked closer showing off how slutty she could be, "can i get ur number?" he looked at me with a dumb face, "ew no.." i almost vomited, i readjusted myself further away from them and he just shrugged, "how bout you" he tilted his head towards Claire, "yea yea lemme put it ur contacts" she of course reached out her hand to accept his phone

(8:00 pm) after that sickening encounter, i started to think if Leo had asked for my number like that, what would i do? I don't know if i would reject them, which frightens me, speaking of him the players started to come into sight after disappearing behind the mountain to grab their flags of color and race back to pin them on their stand, they were rowing back, Leo's team first, i smiled and looked at my feet while i blushed, i pulled myself out of that state to continue watching.

Leo's Pov:
i was turning my head rapidly, checking to see if we were swaying in the right direction, i was using all of my strength trying to place in first, when i noticed i was getting very tired and the boat was slowing down, "yo what the fuck!" the captain in the front seat yelled, "there's water on my feet!" the girl behind the captain shouted, i frowned in response realizing the reason why i'm getting tired and the boat is slowing down is because of.. sabotage

someone scratched the side of our boat, and the water was leaking inside causing us to slowly sink, we all stopped rowing noticing the green team subtly reach us, moving at fast speed, the captain threw the left paddle into the water creating a big splash while he yelled in anger, i was thinking of ways to finish.

Jenna's Pov:
i observed as the captain of Leo's team was aggravated throwing around one of his paddles, Jess and Claire stood up in shock as they tried to see further to understand what was happening, "someone sabotaged them" Jess said with her jaw dropping,

Ria gasped and Alana shook her head in disappointment, i was stunned, my eyes wide and my mouth slightly open, i felt anger slowly take over me, i watched as Leo had now stood up in their boat, i stood up too, "what is he doing??" i questioned in fear, feeling my soul leave my body, and my breath dropping.

Leo's Pov:
"give me the flag" i demanded with my voice slightly raised in frustration, i have had enough of this, watching the green team get closer, the red team nowhere to be found, "what are you gonna do?" the boy in-front of me worried while the captain and the girl behind him looked at me, "give it to me" i once again demanded, "Leo sit down there's nothing we can do now" the captain sighed kicking the side of the boat, i jumped forward grabbing the flag then quickly diving into the pitch black water creating a huge splash.

Jenna's Pov:
"oh my fucking god!" Alana screeched now sitting up along with Ria, "what the fuck!" i yelled while my knees had started to shake along with my fingers, covering my mouth with my hand, "what is he doing!?" Jess freaked, i had adjusted my palms on the sides of my head in disbelief, he was fucking swimming the whole way back, the sun was gone and it's too dark for them to see anything, they were rapidly splashing in the water, with the flag in one hand, i can't believe this.

Nobodies Pov:
(8:23 pm) as Leo was fighting against the force of the water trying to finish first, Jenna's was left standing in the audience, as much as she would display her carelessness, in that moment.. she was scared for him, and surprised from the stunt he pulled, Leo was reaching closer to the deck and even then the green team wasn't caught up with his, but they were almost there, Leo began to feel weak which caused her to slow down, Jenna panicked,

"I'm going down there" Jenna announced while hopping down the big stairs, the girls tried to stop her but she was already gone in the crowd, she was running in full speed while Leo swam slower and slower, he pulled himself together at some point when he saw that the green team had passed his boat and was now getting closer to him, Jenna was running across the deck trying to get to him, she ran pass the security guards and the unused equipment on the floor, her shoes were banging on the wooden deck, Leo was now a few seconds away while the green team had started to park the boat.

Leo's Pov:
i finally reached the deck pulling myself out of the water with the flag in my hand, i was drenched, the water running down my body dripping into the lake, my uniform was now showing off every detail on my body, i stood up on the deck and as i started to run i saw Jenna stop dead in her tracks on the deck, completely out of breath, her face pale while she was trying to catch her breath, "go!" Jenna threw her hands out pointing towards the stand for my flag

I nodded also out of breath from swimming in panic, i threw myself on the stand to attach our flag, one player from the green team had now started running towards their stand, and when she got there and finally crouched my flag clicked on the stand, and with that clicking sound i was relieved, i stood up exhaling, and the crowd behind me was going crazy, i looked at the flag, my flag, on the stand, i actually did it

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now