Book 5: Civil Wars

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Earth. Fire. Air. Water. Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world.

Korra has reopened the Southern spirit portal and taken the first step to restoring balance between spirits and man. Meanwhile, tensions are high between Korra and her father after she discovered he was hiding a dark secret. Years ago, Tonraq was banished from the North. And now the Northern navy has landed on Southern shores. What other plans does Unalaq have for the Avatar?

The scene begins at the tribal palace, where Northern troops are marching to Southern civilians, creating a commotion.

Northern soldiers: Everyone, clear the streets! Get back in your homes.

The civilians remain still and look at the troops with contempt. The Northern soldier gestures and two waterbenders bend ice barricades, separating the civilians. The troops continue marching. Cut to the harbor where waterbenders are forming ice walls around the docks, preventing ships from leaving. Cut to Korra and Unalaq.

Korra: Uncle, why did you bring your troops down from the North?

Unalaq: Now that you've opened the Southern portal, we need to protect it from the people who would do the spirits harm.

Korra: I can protect it.

Unalaq: I need you for something more important. There is another portal, in the North. Once you open it, spirits and man will be able to move freely between the North and the South in a matter of seconds.

Korra: But, the solstice is over. How am I going to open it?

Unalaq: The spiritual energy is much stronger in the North. And now that you've opened the Southern portal, your energy is stronger as well.

Korra: With both portals open, our tribes will be united again.

Unalaq: The world will be united again.

Korra: This is great right Ryu?!

Ryu: I don't know... I feel... uneasy.

Ryu then passed out but was caught by Korra who looked at her friend in worry.

The setting changes to the Southern Air Temple, where Tenzin and Pema are relaxing. Kya is sitting on a rock, feeding lemurs. And Roku is napping.

Tenzin: Ahh, I haven't felt this at peace since-

Bumi jumps in, interrupting Tenzin, who looks in shock.

Tenzin: Aaand, it's over.

Bumi leaps onto rock, with his sister looking in shock and Roku looking with a straight face.

Bumi: Gooood morning, Universe.

Roku: Yep ima go burn my retinas now.

Kya: Bumi, please, cover yourself.

Bumi: Well, lookee here, "Vacation Tenzin" has finally decided to join us.

Tenzin: Yes, he has. It's so nice to get to spend more time with my family. Isn't that right, my little Rohan?

Rohan smiles and coos. To Kya and Bumi.

Tenzin: And I've really enjoyed having you two and Roku around. Reminds me of all those great vacations we took as kids with Dad.

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