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Emma POV

"Are you kidding me!" I yelled as the ram began to pour down on me and even worse I had to ride my bike to school today.

I got on my bike and began my leg day to school in the pouring rain we didn't have umbrellas in the house either so before you say 'BrInG aN uMbReLlA' I can't and that's why.

My legs are not going to be happy with me today I thought to myself as I biked as fast as I could but then I heard it, I heard them, the popular girls.

You can always hear them laughing behind you even when they are in a car you can ALWAYS here.

Their car was driving slowly behind me until finally they did their intention and drove very fast past me making loads of water go on my outfit and me.

"YOU LITERALLY DID NOTHING YOU KNOW I'M ALREADY GOING TO BE LATE!" I yelled at them as their car came to a very rushed stop.

Oh no. They heard me.

I turned around and quickly began to make my way to the train station because there's no way I was going to ride my bike to school now that they heard me.

I heard their car take a screeching turn they were on to me I biked and biked until I saw the train station stairs I could either wait and take my chances with waiting on the train on the surface or I could go downstairs and they would have to fight through people to get to me.

Dangerous for cats I'm going downstairs I'm not taking my chances I got off my bike, picked it up, and ran down the stairs to hear the car stop meaning that they were following me, great.

I pushed through the people with my bike as I saw the doors begin to close I ran for what was left of me and made it into the bus as the doors closed I turned around to see Bayle and to the rest of Amara's goons glaring at the as I sat down.

I knew I was safe for now but when I got to school I would be dead.

Why? You ask...

Because Amara would find out from Bayle what I did and when she did I will never get to be able to get time to rest.

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