Not Late

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Emma POV

I ran inside the school just in time to be on time for school as soon as I ran inside I ran right into my best friend, Alexa who was looking at me like I was crazy which would be accurate at this point.

"What the hell happened to you?" She asked as I began to regain my breath as she stood there patiently waiting for an answer to her question.

"I ran into Bayle and the rest of Amara's group on the way here." I explained as she continued to look at me like I was crazy.

"Okay that's a no-brainer but why do you look like you ran a marathon." She asked me as all of what I did came back to me as I started to explain.

"After I realized they were following me and after they splashed me with water, I yelled at them not thinking that they would hear me which spoiler alert they did, they got really mad chased me to the train station, then I got on the train before they could follow me which is why I look like this." I explained full-heartedly as her eyes widened.

"You're dead, you're literally dead. She whispered to me as she pulled me into the bathrooms which meant we could talk at our own discretion.

"What are we going to do about this? You know damn well Amara's going to make you pay for that right? You know that right?" She asked quickly as I nodded in response.

"We are going to have to lay low for now because Bayle is in the school as of right now because I saw her come in so we just have to lay low." She explained as I agreed with her on this.

But there is one problem with that I have classes with Amara at least once a day if she actually shows up that is but now she is going to show up for sure now that this happened.

"There is a problem with that though I have class with her I told Alexa who groaned before replying.

"You're right and to make matters worse it's the one class I don't have with you. She pressed even more as I sat down on the floor rethinking my life choices.

Before we could talk more we heard the first Bell meaning that we had up to 5 minutes left to get to class which made us both get ready to go to class hoping that we didn't run into Amara.

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