Morning Suprise

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Emma POV

Waking up is very hard for me in the morning because my best friend named 'my bed' just makes me want to go back to sleep in the peaceful land of sleep but sadly I have to wake up 20 MINUTES EARLY because of Bayle's gift of a flat tire just to make the morning bus.

I rolled off the bed, got changed, and got my backpack leaving the house to jog to the bus pick up, my house doesn't really land on a bus route for our school so some of the students have to take the public bus not that it's a bad thing.

I sat out there for about 5 minutes before I saw the bus coming up to my bus stop then it came to a stop letting me get on board I spoiled to the bus driver before leaving to the back of the bus where I sat the day before.

My seat was empty which was good but sad thing was that Taylor was not there but I guess she takes the school bus which is probably a lot faster then a public bus.

I put my headphones in listening to my favorite songs as I watched the bus stop and drive through the quiet streets of my town it was beautiful, peaceful looking down looking at the town during the sunrise then I was pulled out of my thought by a tap on the shoulder.

"Hey Em it's just me." Taylor said as my eyes looked at her and surprise as she chuckled at me before sitting down in the seat next to me with a smile.

"I thought you took the school bus?" I questioned as she chuckled and nodded.

"I did but I wanted to take the bus with you plus the fact that I never got that text yesterday so I wanted to make sure you were okay or if I was just getting ghosted." She joked as a wave of guilt filled me as I remembered the promise I failed to keep.

"I'm sorry I forgot to text you it's just I was tired when I got home so I just fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed I'm sorry." I apologize as she waved her hands in a hurry with a worried look.

"No, no it's okay you need your sleep and I'm mad or anything." She said making me relax at her reassurance as we both smiled.

"Plus I miss you even though we met yesterday." She said chuckling as I chuckled with her.

"Aw, on top of a potato do you not have a friend like me?" I asked teasingly as she chuckled shaking her head with a smile on her face.

"I have friends they just don't take the bus." She replied as I laughed a bit as we both laughed but before we could continue the conversation the bus came to a stop making me look out the window to see my school.

"Well I guess you have to go Em I hope the big bad cougars don't get you." She said mimicking a cougar growl making me laugh which made her laugh.

"Okay big bad cougar move out the way so the eagle can leave." I replied making her chuckle as she eyed me up and down before she finally let me through.

I made it out of the bus then I heard her say my name making me turn to see her with the window down and a smile.

"Have a good day at school with my hoodie on!!" She yelled through the window as I looked down to see her hoodie as she waved at me.

You gotta to be kidding me.

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